
<<love affair>>

This is generally considered the time before sexual intimacy between lovers, when the magical thrill of affection and interaction is obvious for all to see. Definite Biblical boundaries of conduct need to discussed and adhered to as there are strong sexual urges that can override reason. Treat your lover how you would like someone to treat your brother or sister. 

At every stage in our lives (not just when the romantic hormones are running wild) we are to be in control of our emotions and feelings, acting with integrity and not letting the passions of our heart get out of control; the Bible states “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jer 17:9). At all times we should be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and especially in our relationships with the opposite gender. Guard against ungodly soul ties which are inappropriate mental and emotional romantic attractions or connections with someone with whom the relationship can't proceed.

Romance brings people together while the commitment of love keeps them together. Ideally, the passion and fascination of romance will mature into lasting love – the solid base that will enable the relationship to go the distance, through all the storms of life and the conflicts that will arise.

Romance reminds your partner why they fell in love with you in the first place.

After marriage, men especially need to continue to be romantic with their partner; spontaneous as well as planned – flowers, little gifts, pleasant surprises, and ‘I love you’ messages.  Not only will this bring much joy to both husband and wife, it will also help

Keep the fires of romance burning

safeguard against infidelity or looking elsewhere for the affection the human heart craves. Focus on and speak out the qualities and virtues of your partner, hold hands, embrace and enjoy each other in an affectionate way, not just during intercourse.

In the OT book Song of Songs romance and affection is expressed throughout – for example, “You have stolen my heart” (SOS 4:9). One expression of the mystery of human attraction is, “I don't understand the way of a man with a maiden” but it is a gift of God to be treasured (Prov 30:18,19). 

See also: affection, boundaries, courting, dating, integrity, love, marriage, sexual sins, soul-ties.