
<<marriage ceremony>>

A marriage is a time of celebration, witnessed by family and friends, where the bride and groom legally become husband and wife. The restraints of chastity between the engaged couple can then be relinquished, yet because of prior promiscuous living it is becomingly less common for either or both
to be sexually pure (virgins) at their wedding.

With a Christian wedding Christ and His values will have a high profile reflecting their commitment to Him and how they intend their lives to continue together. Christ will be honoured and given credit for bringing the couple together and His blessing spoken over them. The bridal gown and bridesmaids dresses should be modest and not seductive or revealing. While there is an emphasis placed on the actual day, prepare for a long-lasting fulfilling marriage as well.

A Christian can attend a gay wedding for being there does not necessarily indicate support for the homosexual lifestyle, rather they view it as extending Christ’s love and friendship toward a friend. Showing support and unconditional love could open doors of opportunity in the future. Afterall Jesus was called a "friend of tax collectors and sinners. But wisdom is proved right by her deeds" (Mt 11:19). It is loving the sinner, but not heir sin.

The Bible speaks of all true Christians forming the bride of Christ in an everlasting heavenly marriage, however, unlike earthly marriage, there will be no physical, sexual relationship. Rather, as spiritual beings our relationship

Will you be at the heavenly wedding?

to Christ will be on a completely different level to what we currently know (2 Cor 11:2; Eph 5:25-27; Rev 19:7-9).

See also: bride of Christ, courting, engagement, husband, LGBT, marriage, marriage supper of the lamb, premarital sex, virgin, wife.