
<<pure, innocent>>

In the human context, it refers to never having had sexual intercourse. Although this state is applicable to both genders, most often it used of a female never having been ‘touched’ by a man.

Once virginity is lost it can’t be regained.

God approves of sex with one’s spouse within a marriage, but all who indulge in immoral sexual acts, outside of marriage, will be judged (Heb 13:4). One of the best safeguards for the health of your marriage is being able to truthfully say to your spouse on your wedding day ‘I have never slept with anyone, I have kept myself for you’. Statistics show those who have sexual relationships before being legally married will experience a greater chance of their marriage being dissolved. Determine in your heart to refrain from sex until legally married. As a wise precaution to keep you pure, it is advisable to have company (a third party) so you are not alone in private settings, where you could compromise your morals. If, prior to marriage, you have lost your virginity, as is common in today’s promiscuous society, begin to obey God’s directives by refraining from further sex until you are married.

Postponing sexual involvement until after marriage involves character qualities such as self-control, respect for the other’s long-term good and, most importantly, obedience to God’s ways. Real love waits, as nothing is lost by patience. Becoming ‘one flesh’ as God

Maintain purity in heart and body

intended is a process. In our society the engagement period is designed for this – getting to know another person mentally and spiritually to the point of making a public commitment, witnessed in marriage, before the physical consummation.

The power of the God-given sexual desires should be under our control at all times – they should not dictate our actions. Don’t yield to peer pressure, society’s crumbling standards or the out-of-control sexual advances or desires of another. Many woman are deeply scared emotionally by the inappropriate sexual actions of men taking advantage of them in so-called ‘love’ – which is actually lust. One of the dangers of alcohol is that people are less inhibited, and take liberties that may be regretted later.

The Bible teaches unmarried people can be more devoted to God as they only have a single focus (1 Cor 7:8,32-34). Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (Mt 5:8) Those who have maintained or regained holiness as an inner quality are extremely favoured; this is achieved by the self-discipline of guarding the heart from all pollution and walking in close relationship with the Lord (Prov 4:23).

See also: chastity, promiscuity, pure/purity, self-control, sex, sexual sins, sexuality.