
<<output, yield>>

To produce is to make, create or cause to happen. In the natural realm, the productivity of the harvest is a multiplication of the seed sown – out of its death comes increased life with the better the soil and growing conditions, the greater the yield (Mt 13:8; Lk 8:15; Jn 12:24). Productivity is a law of nature, created by God, however because of sin the level of production has been severely affected (Gen 1:11,24,28, 3:17,18).

The ability to produce fruit and the volume of the crop indicates the productivity of a tree; so also our lives should indicate fruitfulness – living for

Fruit is only possible when connected to the life source

Him, obeying his teaching and doing good deeds. The life of Christ within believers will flow out to refresh those around as productivity increases indicating growth, and from that enlarged reaping there can be a greater sowing (Mic 6:8; Jn 7:38; 2 Cor 9:10).

The Bible says, “Produce [bring forth] fruit in keeping with repentance” (Mt 3:8). There will be an outward manifestation of the life change within. Those who deceptively put on an outward show to impress without the depth of heart transformation will be found out for “By their fruit you will know them” – it is a natural consequence of the life within (Num 32:23; Mt 7:16,20; Lk 8:17).

The preparation time spent planning and thinking a project through with the establishing of sound procedures and priorities is good stewardship and is essential for productivity (Prov 13:16). The wife of noble character was proactive, industrious and enterprising (Prov 31:10ff). The groundwork must always be done first – cultivation, fertilizing, weeding and pruning. As humans we are to plant and water the seed of God’s Word in the lives of others, while remembering it is only God that brings the growth (1 Cor 3:6,7).

In the natural plant realm, water and fertilizer are two of the essential elements required to bring about productivity (Lk 13:6-9; Jas 5:18). In the spiritual realm, it is vital to be in connection with Jesus from whom the heavenly life flows, besides fellowship with other believers, input from the Bible, divine communication through prayer and obedience to the Spirit’s guidance. These essentials must be maintained for Jesus said, “You can’t bear fruit unless you remain in me” (Jn 15:4). Then, just like a good gardener, God will remove all that is unproductive and doesn’t produce good fruit while He works or prunes in the areas that need special attention with the aim of increasing the yield to an abundant crop (Mt 3:10; Mk 4:8; Jn 15:2). 

The Bible compares productive land to unproductive (Heb 6:7,8). Could I be likened to fertile useful soil, or worthless wasteland? We are to apply the truths and principles of Scripture to each area of our lives, so we are transformed into people God can use (Rom 12:2; 2 Tim 2:21). What steps will I take to make the barren areas of my life productive for Him? Jesus says if we live in close fellowship with

Unless there is productivity something is not right

Him and walk obediently to His Word, it will result in God’s glory and produce a large harvest, much more than was sown (Mt 13:23; Jn 15:5,8).

Be as productive as you can in the Kingdom of God – knowing your labours will bear eternally lasting fruit. The Bible counsels, “Don’t be idle but abound in the work of the Lord” (Eccl 11:6; 1 Cor 15:58).

Do not ‘horde’ your life for your own benefit; sow it into the lives of others that they may be enriched with salvation too. We are answerable for what we have been given – are we utilizing the resources and talents we have been given for His Kingdom? (Mt 3:10; Lk 12:16-21). At the proper time we will reap a harvest. What is the crop I am reaping or will yet reap in my life? (Gal 6:7-10).

Even in old age, we can still be spiritually productive, by praying for and mentoring younger believers besides sharing Jesus with the lost, because we are drawing sustenance from the Lord (Ps 1:3, 92:14). At each stage of life, from when we became a Christian to the day we die, we can and should be replicating and revealing the nature of God. A person reaps what they sow – either destruction or eternal life. The fruit of the flesh is contrasted with the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:19-23). Godly character and other desirable qualities, are produced through responding in a righteous manner to suffering and hardship (Rom 5:3,4; Jas 1:3).

Modern society focuses on productivity at the expense of relationships and integrity. Burnout is the result of excessive busyness and striving to meet the unrealistic expectations imposed by others or ourselves, yet activity is not necessarily productivity, with quantity often being preferred to quality.

Giving incentives and welcoming input from those actually involved will increase the level and quality of productivity, because of the heightened motivation and measure of ownership.

See also: actions/activity, barren, being and doing, burnout, busy, cause and effect, connection, fertility, fruit, good works, growth, incentive, method, motive/motivation, plans and purposes, preparation, profit, reproduction, sow and reap.