

Derived from ‘Holy day’, a day of spiritual significance. 

To the Jews the Passover is the most important celebration (observed during March or April), reminding them how they had been delivered from slavery in Egypt (Ex 12:1-20).  As with the other times of celebration (or feasts as they were often called) God instructed that there was to be a break from the normal routine of life.  In modern cultures too, various days that have either special religious or national significance are commemorated. Some of these holidays are more compatible with Christianity than others. The celebrating of these public holidays is a matter of conscience aware that we are answerable to God for all we do and it should not distract from our Christian witness (Rom 14:4-6; Phil 2:15).

Holidays, from our paid employment are not to be viewed as opportunities to take time out from spiritual alertness and Godly disciplines – the devil is always on the prow,

waiting for our guard to drop so he can gain the advantage. Times to refocus the mind and for the body to be refreshed are beneficial.

The devil doesn’t take a break so don’t let your guard down

Some of the holidays that are commemorated today are Christian based, such as Christmas and Easter (although often incorporating pagan aspects) while others such as Halloween do not have any biblical basis. Whether to join in and observe various occasions is a matter of individual choice and conscience (Rom 14:4-6). Some guidelines we should consider are does the holiday promote false doctrine, superstition or immorality and so detract from our Christian testimony or witness.

See also: Christmas, Easter, feasts, Halloween, refresh, relaxation.