Double Minded

<<fluctuating, undecided>>

For a believer our world-view, our perspective of the world around us should be anchored firmly in the truth of God's Word, with its unchangeable values guiding us. Although we live in the world we are not to be influenced by it (Jn 17:16). Yet our sinful nature continues to direct our hearts and desires to a degree, instead of dying to this sinful nature to live a new life in the Spirit that loves and serves God

The foundation of our beliefs is to be the Scriptures

(Col 3:9). We want to love ourselves first and God second, but this is contrary to God's command which is to love Him above all else (Mk 12:30). By allowing the ungodly belief systems and ideas of this world to dilute our faith we start placing our trust in things outside of God and doubt what He has already done and can do.

The Bible states, “…a double minded person is unstable in all they do” (Jas 1:8). Being indecisive, and therefore unreliable, by ever shifting from one opinion or focus of activity to another is a characteristic of their whole way of life, which will never amount to much. A person having this nature is a doubter, struggling with confusion, and risks compromising their thoughts and actions; their loyalties are divided, as they try to be all things to all people, not having the courage of their convictions. They are not committed either way, being controlled by their feelings not God’s wisdom. They are certain of a thing one minute and doubt the next so their heart is not at peace as they try to serve two masters (Mt 6:24). The uncommitted Jews were challenged, “Choose this day who you will serve…How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal is God, follow him…But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord” (Josh 24:15; 1 Kgs 18:21). In todays context, this is like adding New Age beliefs to what you understand about Jesus.

The Bible’s directive is, “Draw near to God…Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (Jas 4:8). Being wholeheartedly committed to God and His ways, loving Him fully with every part of our being is to be the basis of our discipleship (Ps 16:8; Mk 12:30; Lk 9:23). We will increasingly become single-minded and

“Respect the Lord and serve Him faithfully” – Joshua 24:14

devoted to His purposes, rising above trials and opposition, believing God answers prayer as we seek Him in all things and trust Him completely. This will result in greater stability, having a predictable character as we walk with integrity, and a growing confidence, for “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see…” (Heb 11:1). David’s prayer, “Give me an undivided heart”, reflects his trust (Ps 86:11). Job’s faith and trust in God did not alter even when he suffered devastating disasters (Job 1:13-2:10). How would I have responded? Would I have continued to believe that all things are working for my good (Rom 8:28)?

As believers, we should know what God’s Word says and consistently live accordingly, regardless of society’s changing values. In other matters, we are free to choose an opinion, yet if there is compelling evidence to the contrary, obviously we can change our view.

See also: commitment, confusion, doubts, faithfulness, indecision, reliable, truth, world-view.