
<<statement desiring another’s harm>>

A curse is a declaration desiring another’s harm and outworks as an evil force that prevents them entering into the blessings of God or achieving their potential. Individuals and groups of people, besides places and objects, can be cursed, empowering the invisible spiritual realm to activate what is pronounced in the seen, physical realm. As curses can affect all areas of life and it is highly likely those plagued by such conditions as persistent sickness, mental issues, troubled family relationships, financial difficulties or are accident-prone, are under a curse (Deut 28:16ff).

Recurring problems and misfortune can often be the result of unwise choices and lifestyle. These set in place patterns that continue through the family bloodline as generational curses until fulfilled or their power is cancelled for God stated He is “a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those that hate me” (Ex 20:5, 34:7; Lev 26:39; Num 14:18; Deut 5:9). Such generational curses related to the Israelite nation because of the specific sin of idolatry. When the nation repented and served God, the curse was broken for He shows love to those “who love me and keep my commandments” (Ex 20:6; Jdg 3:9,15; 1 Sam 12:10,11). One curse spoken by Joshua which was fully realised some 500 years later (Josh 6:26; 1 Kgs 16:34).

All creation has come under the curse of sin with the consequences passed on from one generation to the next, because through the first Adam “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23, 8:22). Yet through the second Adam – Jesus Christ – justification is offered to all, but this is tied to a choice made as we understand the root of our problems is in the spiritual realm (Deut 30:19; Jn 1:12; Rom 5:18,19). As we apply God’s Word and power to our lives, choosing to walk in righteousness and obedience to Him, we will know freedom from this curse (Jn 8:32,36). 

Even today the consequences or effects of sin are passed down through generations,
as children are prone to repeat the sins of their forefathers and so are deserving of the same punishment. While there is a trend to try to blame every problem on a generational

Take responsibility, it empowers

curse, hereditary factors are passed on to descendants – especially those who are not Christians. However as a believer is a new creation in Christ God’s curse is rescinded and they are forgiven their sins (Rom 8:1; 2 Cor 5:17).  Thus the cure for what is considered a generational curse is repentance of the sin in question, faith in Christ, and a life consecrated to the Lord (Rom 12:1,2). By taking ownership of our lives we can actually empower ourselves, with the Lord’s help, to effect change in the area of natural traits and behaviour patterns.

Other curses in the Bible

1/. Satan and the ground were cursed by God when mankind sinned in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:14,17). The effects are still seen in the world today (Isa 24:5,6; Rom 8:20-22).

2/. God declared to His chosen race, the Jews, “I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Gen 12:3, 27:29). Consequently, because of their anti-Semitic stance of hatred, many people and nations bring on themselves the displeasure of the Lord.

3/. The Jews who demanded the death of Christ, said, “His blood be on us and our children” inferring they were prepared to accept the responsibility for crucifying Him. Thus, they implicated their descendants with these consequences – which still affect them today as the Jews are the most reviled nation on earth (Mt 27:25).

4/. Moses, as God’s representative, said “I have set before you life and prosperity, death and destruction. I command you to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and keep His commands, decrees and laws…I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life” (Deut 30:1-20). We have that same option – to love God and walk obediently, receiving His blessing, or rebel and suffer the consequences. What God required of the Jews, “is not too difficult or beyond your reach, it’s even in your hearts so you may obey it…” (Deut 30:11)

God declared, “If you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all His commands and decrees…all these curses will come on you and overtake you”. It can’t be clearer, His blessing is on the righteous but His curse is on the wicked who do not love the Lord, and their end is to be consigned to the lake of fire forever (Deut 27:15-26, 28:15-68, 30:17,18; Prov 3:33; Jn 7:49; 1 Cor 16:22).

God’s escape route

It is through breaking God’s commands that humanity comes under the curse of sin, and it’s penalty of eternal death, yet if we choose to turn from our sin, by accepting Christ’s substitutionary dead for us, its power and legal claim is broken (Gal 3:13,14).  Thus we are freed of the eternal penalty (but not its earthly consequences) by entering into the

Look to the Father for deliverance from evil curses

blessing of justification (right standing with God). We will have the Holy Spirit’s presence within and be with Him forever, while those refusing to go His way, will receive the verdict “Depart from me, you who are cursed...” (Mt 25:41; Jn 8:32,36; Col 1:20).

Any evil intention or curse made against us by wicked people can be turned into a blessing by God and the Bible declares “An undeserved curse has no effect; its intended victim will not be harmed” (Gen 50:20; Deut 23:5; Num 22:6, 23:8,20; Ps 109:28; Prov 26:2).

Breaking a curse

To be released from a curse, it is essential to desire a closer relationship with God, recognizing the issue. There are several steps to achieving freedom:

1/. Repent that you allowed yourself (and ancestors if a generational curse) to be exposed to a wrong activities or actions;

2/. Ensure you have forgiven all those who have wronged you and may have brought this curse into your life;

3/. Destroy all images, charms, books or other objects that relate to the curse;

4/. Renounce the curse, ‘it no longer belongs to me as I am a child of God’;

5/. Actively resist Satan’s power, by invoking the name of Jesus to free you (Jas 4:7);

6/. Surrender yourself afresh to Him and live freely, enjoying the blessings of Christ as you praise God for His deliverance and obey His voice. 

Living in a cursed world

Curses can be self-inflicted through association with the occult, ungodly soul ties and not walking uprightly. Other sources can be authority figures or distraught parents making prophetic curses over their children by statements such as ‘You will not amount to much…You are a failure’. Even if the speaker ‘didn’t mean’ the words something was still set in motion in the spiritual realm. By our negative words, we can bring ourselves and others under a curse for “Life and death are in the power of the tongue” (Prov 18:21). Our words that can invoke a blessing, can also pronounce a curse – just as effectively!  The potency of words is seen in creation, in Christ’s miracles and those of the early church leaders (Gen 1:3,6ff; Mt 8:8,16; Mk 1:27, 9:25; Lk 8:29; Act 3:6). A ‘Word’ was spoken and then the evidence was seen. Satan knows of the power of words too (Mt 4:3).

Some implications

1/. It is wise to sow what you want to reap – a blessing rather than a curse (Ps 109:17; Gal 6:7).

2/. We need to watch our speech – praising God and cursing others ‘should not be’ (Jas 3:9-12). We can project blessings or curses on others through our words, and even self-impose them by inward ‘utterances’ in our thoughts (Prov 18:21; Mt 12:36,37). Guard your declarations and inner vows especially when hurt, as the spiteful words we speak into situations, have a profound effect. These can actually be self-fulfilling prophesies that have a detrimental impact on our lives.

3/. Blessing God yet also cursing people made in His image is not right – it is inconsistent. We are not to curse or speak evil of others, particularly our parents; rather the Bible instructs us to love, pray for, and bless our enemies,

Bless those who curse you – Luke 6:28

those who treat us unfairly and curse us, responding in the opposite spirit. “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing” (Mt 5:44, 15:4; Lk 6:28; Rom 12:14; 1 Cor 4:12; Jas 3:10-12; 1 Pet 3:9). When others speak destructive, spiritually charged words against us, say ‘I reject that statement in the name of Jesus” to cut off its influence.

4/. In our daily life, we can “bring down a curse [disfavour] upon ourselves rather than a blessing” by poor decision-making (Gen 27:11). Choose to live uprightly and with integrity, understanding the outcomes of our choices may have long-term repercussions (Gal 5:16,25).

5/. Material prosperity does not necessarily indicate God’s blessing; neither does a lack indicate a curse (Lk 12:16-21, 16:19-25). Many blessings or rewards await believers in heaven however, we must also fulfill our obligations while on earth in order to receive them.

6/. Curses are God’s prerogative not ours. Refrain from cursing anyone as you are not aware of all the causes or circumstances of their behaviour. Curses are often invoked as a means to exert power over or manipulate people but Christians are not to treat people this way, but instead do as we would like done to us (Lk 6:31). Although we are not to curse people who engage in evil practices we can speak against the activities they are engaged in, so they will not be effective in Satan’s Kingdom.

See also: anti-Semitism, binding and loosing, bless/blessed, blessed or cursed, deliverance, disobedience, magic, occult, participation, spiritual warfare, witches/witchcraft, words.