
<<active involvement>>

Don’t just be a spectator, as you will later regret it if you have not at least tried! Seize your opportunities to partner with God in His Kingdom – to be involved both in bringing about a transformation in us, and investing our lives so others come into a similar relationship with Him. This ongoing

Spectators are not rewarded, only those actively involved

process requires the outworking of grace and personal determination through the area of your passion. Join forces with those of a like mind in extending God’s Kingdom. There is an escalation of results when working with those of similar passion (Lev 26:8). See the possibility and goal, believing in it enough to push yourself beyond the normal. While there is the possibility of failure focus on victory, being mindful not to be involved with too many different activities, as the effectiveness of some will suffer. In the early church some chose to be involved, some didn’t (Phil 4:15-18). Intentions are good yet must be carried out to be effective.

Being involved will develop talents, besides increasing self-esteem. Others will observe your capabilities and this in turn will open the door for advancement. Life is a progression from one level to another. David’s track record of achievements began by killing a bear and lion, and so he was confident with God’s help that the giant Goliath would meet the same fate (1 Sam 17:34-37).

Paul identified with and counted it an honour to suffer as Christ did (Phil 3:10). Peter elaborated on this stating the trials we experience because of our faith make us partners with Christ in His suffering and we will also share in His future glory (1 Pet 4:13,14).

Taking the bread and juice of communion is a symbolic sharing of Christ's body and blood, a uniting or sharing in the benefits He made available to us (1 Cor 10:16).

Sharing in the sin of another

The Bible states, "Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in another's sin" (1 Tim 5:22). This verse relates to the hurried choosing of a pastor without adequate examination of a possible candidate as this may overlook some serious sin in their character and will be seen to approve or share in their sin.

God declares the person who sins, is the one who must bear the penalty for it, so He says, “Repent and live”, however the sin of the past must be addressed (Ezek 18:20,25,33). God speaking to the collective nation of Israel stated, “But if they will confess their sins and the sins of their fathers…and pay for their sin, I will remember my covenant [to bless]” (Lev 26:40-42). While we are not directly responsible for the sins of those who have gone before we are in a measure guilty by our association to them. This concept of connection and ongoing impact is indicated throughout the Bible. “The things revealed belong to us and to our children for ever, that we may follow all the words of this law”, and when the Jews demanded the death of Jesus they said, “His blood be on us and our children” (Deut 29:29; Mt 27:25). There is truth in the statement, "He who walks with the wise grows wise" (Prov 13:20). It is through Christ we can participate in the divine nature (2 Pet 1:4). What a privilege. This is made reality as we respond with the fruit of the Spirit in the situations of life.

Just as physical features can often be traced back through a family line, so can character traits of virtue and destructive patterns span the generations; as children often imitate the parents good and bad qualities. The prime example is the influence of Adam’s sin

Is this something I need to address?

being passed on to all people (Rom 5:12). When we understand how our lives are influenced by our ancestors we can respond appropriately to that influence. We should appreciate the good and in turn pass on the good qualities. We should acknowledge (own) the iniquities of our forefathers, repent of our own sins, and endeavour to overcome the tendencies towards specific sins that we have inherited. So while we are not held responsible for the sins of our ancestors, we are susceptible to their area of weakness and should be alert to these inclinations.

The consequences of sin from previous generations are carried by those coming after them (Ex 20:56; Jer 32:18). This is the principle of sowing and reaping – we reap what we sow, we reap where we sow, we reap more than we sow, and we reap in a different season than we sow (Gal 6:7,8). Each successive generation can either naturally let the cycle of generational sin repeat or deal with it. By acknowledging the sins of our forefathers we can break or cancel its ongoing effect. This is agreeing with or confessing (saying the same thing as) to God about the sins of our parents and purposing to not continue them (Neh 9:2; Jer 14:20; Dan 9:16). So following salvation, own up to the generational sins before God, repent of similar sins in your own life and make a concerted effort to follow Biblical principles in order to replace the old destructive ways.

See also: actions/activity, being and doing, fruit (of the Spirit), intentions, involvement, motive/motivation, opportunity, passion, teamwork.