

We must co-operate with God to bring about His plans for our lives and be a blessing to others for it was as the disciples went and preached that the Lord worked with them (Mk 16:20). What a force for good we will become when we fully co-operate with God, getting involved in His plans rather than just being spectators watching and judging from the sidelines, or acting independently of Him. We are responsible to take the light of Jesus into a dark world (Mt 28:19,20; Act 1:8). Jesus said just as He was sent by God into the world to affect people’s lives, so in turn He sends us (Jn 17:18, 20:21).  We are to be as Christ ministering to a world of spiritually lost people.

While it is a sacrifice to get involved with those in need, think ‘if Jesus had not got involved in humanity’s predicament’ – no one would have the opportunity to be saved.  Like those on the road to Jericho, we can pretend not to see the need or make excuses why we should not be involved with the misfortunes of others; only the Samaritan had

Involvement rolls its sleeves up and gets to work

compassion to help. Jesus says to us, “Go and do likewise” in practical love, for involvement is an action not a feeling (Lk 10:30-37). Real Christianity gets involved with the practical needs of people (Jas 2:15-17).  This provides an opportunity to share the love of Christ both physically and verbally, in a way that the non-Christians will acknowledge God makes a difference (Mt 5:16). Follow the Bible’s teaching, “Let us not love with word and tongue but with actions and in truth” (1 Jn 3:18). “If you know what you should do and don’t do it, this is sin” (Jas 4:17). Consistent involvement requires faithfulness and persistence. However a word of caution: while as Christians we are to be known for our love for others, which is expressed though care, encouragement, support and wholesome friendship our involvement should not be in a meddling busybody way (Lk 6:42; 1 Pet 4:15). Integrity must be paramount in all our dealings.

Paul was not just content with his own experience in Jesus; he was desirous and got involved in the lives of others so they might also enter in the divine blessings (Gal 4:19; Col 2:1-5). It is only as each member of the local church gets involved in advancing God’s Kingdom and functions properly that the body operates as God intends (1 Cor 12:12-27).

While there are numerous worthwhile endeavours we can be involved in, frantic busyness is unproductive as effectiveness diminishes and burnout can result from being too involved. There is a legitimate need for rest, relaxation and holidays to provide balance, so we can be refreshed to face the challenges of life. With wisdom and prayer, carefully

We can't help everyone, but everyone can help

evaluate what you can and should be committed to, so you will not need to immediately reassess your participation (Lk 14:28-30). Focus on your core values. Be involved to make a difference, not as a prestige stunt.

See also: actions/activity, being and doing, comfort zone, commitment, compassion, focus, good works, motive/motivation, participation, proactive.