
<<beginning of life>>

The Bible teaches a new life commences at conception, the fertilization of the egg by a sperm (Ps 139:13,16; Isa 49:1; Jer 1:5; Lk 1:41-44). Over the course of time and with the right nourishment, in whatever realm, when something has been conceived unless there is major intervention it will come to ‘birth’ and replicate the characteristics of the parent stock.

What kind of thoughts are conceived in my mind?

This applies not just to the physical realm, when pregnancy commences, but also in the area of thoughts and attitudes. Whatever we feed into our minds becomes the basis of our thoughts and what the mind conceives the body endeavours to work out in reality (Mt 15:18,19). The impure thoughts of lust, if not taken captive and rejected quickly, can become strongholds, strengthened by pornography and fantasy. The Bible’s advice is to take all wrong thoughts captive, making them obedient to Christ (2 Cor 10:5).

Thus we need to carefully monitor the ‘seeds we sow’ so we will obtain a desirable harvest. Will we be ashamed by what is produced?

The term Immaculate Conception does not refer to the conception of Jesus Christ. Rather it is an unbiblical belief of the Roman Catholic Church that Mary was protected from sin, that she did not have a sin nature and was, in fact, sinless.

See also: abortion, birth, contraception, entry points, fertility, fruit, growth, immaculate conception, incarnation, input, pregnant, seed, sow and reap, thinking/thoughts.