

Even as in Noah’s day the people were oblivious to the doom that awaited them, so today many have the same uncaring approach to their future destiny, because they are so busy living for the present they have made no provision for the next life by accepting and living for Jesus (Lk 17:27). This

Scripture specifically directs us to care for widows and orphans – James 1:27

shows in their lack of concern about the plight of those less fortunate in this life, as the focus of their attention is solely on themselves (Lk 10:30-37). In the last days there will be an increase of such insensitive uncaring behaviour (2 Tim 3:1-4). As Christians who have experienced the compassion of God we should not be insensitive, heartless or inconsiderate to the trying situations and needs of those around us. It would be a travesty of God’s love and care if we were seen as lacking love and compassion, being unconcerned, hardhearted, selfish, indifferent or callous. If Jesus had been uncaring and not died in our place we would be doomed to a terrible eternity.

Jesus when teaching about being persistent in prayer told a parable about an unjust uncaring judge and a widow's constant request for justice. Eventually, the judge says to himself, “I don’t fear God or care about people, yet because this woman keeps bothering me I'll see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!” (Lk 18:1-5).

When tempted to think that God is uncaring and we complain 'why didn't He prevent such things from happening...or heal me?' we must understand He is never the source of the wickedness in the world although He does allow bad things to happen (Job 34:10-12). Rather than changing the circumstances that cause us to question His love, He uses them for His glory and our good (Rom 8:28,29; Jas 1:2,3). Paul asked that his 'thorn in the flesh' be removed but God's response was "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor 12:9). God's love is constant and we will never be abandoned by Him (Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8; 1 Jn 4:8). He has greater long-term purposes for us that are being outworked (even through what Satan would try to destroy us by), rather than our short-term 'comfort' approach (Gen 50:20).

See also: care, hardhearted, indifference, insensitive, selfishness.