
<<everyday jobs>>

Sound work ethics, including a will to work, patience, persistence and motivation are necessary attributes to see the various tasks on our ‘job sheet’ ticked off, especially when problems arise and there are setbacks. Character is formed by our attitude, response and applying ourselves to the demands and necessities of life. The Bible says, “Whatever your

Keep on top of jobs or they will get on top of you

hand finds to do, do it with enthusiasm as if you are serving God” (Eccl 9:10; Col 3:22-24). What sort of reputation do I have? Do I readily carry out the tasks appointed me? If so, from this will come increased responsibility and the opportunity for greater reward and blessing (Lk 19:17). Rebekak's generous offer to go beyond what was asked of her (and its fulfillment) resulted in her inclusion in Christ's lineage (Gen 24:14,19,20).

God continually gives us tasks that stretch us beyond our comfort zone, and we acknowledge, “The task is great” yet we come to the God who is able to help (1 Chr 29:1; Heb 4:16; Phil 4:13). Our talents, ability and previous experiences have been building blocks that helped prepare us for this new challenge, yet in our inadequacy we are forced in faith and humility into reliance on God – a safe and blessed place to be. The danger lies in the temptation to give up (not inspired by the future reward) or in pride trying to achieve in our own ability (Deut 8:18; Jdg 7:2; 2 Chr 15:7; Prov 24:16; Gal 6:9). The growth that occurs by seeing jobs through to completion means new levels of skill, maturity, usefulness and fruitfulness.

Paul said, “I consider my life is worth nothing unless I complete the task of sharing the gospel that the Lord gave me” (Act 20:24). Each of us has a specific task or calling to help fulfill the overall task given to all believers – advancing the Kingdom of God (Mt 28:19,20). There should not be any rivalry or jealousy as we are fellow workers in God’s Kingdom, all working for the one common goal (Rom 12:4; 1 Cor 3:3-10). What is my task in the overall divine objective? Am I actively using the gifting I have been given in fulfilling His calling upon my life?

Few believers are involved in ‘full time’ Christian service but the natural tasks of life can be ‘spiritual’ service, whereby we bless others, contribute to society, and so bring honour to God as we “let our light shine” through doing what He has prepared in advance for us to do (Mt 5:14-16; Eph 2:10).

The successful completion of many tasks may involve other people helping as another ‘pair of hands’ or in a particular line of expertise. There is a healthy balance to be found between self-reliance and inter-connection with others. Do I help others as readily as I request their help?

Some people are task orientated with their satisfaction gained by the completion of their objectives, yet they can exploit those assisting them to achieve those goals. Others are people-orientated, they consider relationships more important than accomplishments. Both personality types are needed in God’s Kingdom and we should strive for the right balance in the outworking of His calling on our lives.

See also: call/calling, character, comfort zone, co-operation, delegate, give up, job (work), reliable, responsible/responsibility, skill, talent, work