
<<safety, in safe keeping>>

As Christians our eternal destiny is secure, we live in hope and can rest in safety, even if in this life there is uncertainty, challenges and change all around, that will affect us to some degree, with even the premature loss of life for some. The consoling words of the Bible say we should not fear those who can only take our life, and are unable to affect our eternal destiny (Job 11:18,19; Ps 23:4-6; Mt 10:28).

There are various accounts in the Bible illustrating the false security people have – in themselves and their ability – without taking God into the equation, eg. Goliath, the Jebusites, and the rich man (1 Sam 17:42-45; 2 Sam 5:6,7; Lk 12:16-21). Similarly, rich people are warned not to trust in the uncertainty of riches but in the living God (1 Tim 6:17). Is my security founded in Jesus, the promise keeper, who not only gave His life and gained the victory for me at Calvary but said He wouldn’t leave me?  There is no lasting safety or shelter in the uncertainty of the world’s systems, its changing fades, fashions and values (Ps 89:34; Jn 10:15; Heb 13:5; 1 Jn 3:8). What is stored up on earth is subject to decay and theft, while what is deposited in heaven is eternally secure (Mt 6:19-21). Can I say, “I know who I have believed and are persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him” (Act 4:12; 2 Tim 1:12; 1 Jn 5:12)?

People and things in this world will come and go, with nothing being permanent. Change is inevitable so only temporary security can be found in it’s systems, practices and positive opinions of others. However God and His Word do not change, and His Kingdom can’t be shaken, thus our inheritance

Real security can only be found in what can’t be taken from us – our relationship with God

is safe as we are ‘kept’ by the power of God (Ps 89:34; Mal 3:6; Mt 24:35; Heb 12:28,29; 1 Pet 1:3,4; 1 Jn 2:17; Jud 1:1). Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever...He is our refuge and strength (Ps 18:2, 32:7, 46:1-3, 125:1). Do I consider the Lord my refuge (Ps 91:1,2)?

Our security is in Christ, His unfailing love and the promises of the Bible including, the confidence that “my times and life are in your hands” with “All things working out for our ultimate good” and therefore He ratifies all that comes my way (Josh 21:45; Ps 31:15, 109:26; Rom 8:28).

OT cities were surrounded by walls to give protection and security. Similarly when we are in correct alignment with God and the authorities over us, we are under a covering of protection. Know your position in Christ and do not let the enemy cheat you out any of the blessings gained at the expense of the earthly life of the Son of God. Remember, “the name of the Lord’ is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe” (Prov 18:10). 

As believers, we are free to operate within the security of the clearly defined spiritual boundaries set out in the Bible. Everyone craves security and the joy that comes from mutual love. That is why God sets us in families and instructs us not to break the marriage bond. Children need the security of a stable setting. The church too, should be a place of security, spiritual provision and blessing for wounded lost humanity, not another place of exploitation and abuse. Belonging to the family of God provides the ultimate in safety, security and support.

See also: accountability, boundaries, comfort zone, confidence, covering, eternal security, position in Christ, protection