
<<danger, insecurity>>

While God gave us minds to use to make wise and calculated decisions we are to step out in obedience with faith, when we have heard His voice, and glorify God with our lives. Although Mary didn’t know the full implications of her decision, she had faith in God, and was prepared to commit her future to Him stating, “Let it be done to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38). We too should be willing to be used by God and step out in faith knowing we are walking with God.  The attitude of ‘I just played safe’ won't get you far in life.

People with a dream and passion take calculated risks with many expending their lives for the gospel (Act 15:26  Rom 16:4). Put your life on the line, obey God rather than man, while being prepared to accept any consequences of that decision (Mt 10:28; Act 5:29).

Step out in faith with Jesus

Count not your life of any great value apart from living for God, and fulfilling His purposes for you. Esther said, “I will go, if I perish, I perish” (Est 4:16). She was prepared to give it her best, and if she failed at least she had tried.

We should not be reckless or foolhardy with our life, for this would not be good stewardship of what He has given us, nor is it glorifying to God, but don’t let fear keep you from being adventurous, investing your life, time and resources in the Kingdom of God (Mt 16:25,26; Phil 2:30). He gave His all for me, is any less a sacrifice from me acceptable? Be willing to receive ridicule, rejection, persecution or even death because of your allegiance to Christ.

Even though living for God requires faith it is not a risky thing because He is no one’s debtor – He will honour that which we undertake in His name in obedience to what He has asked (1 Sam 2:30). Do not just 'play safe' but accept the challenges to be stretched beyond your comfort zone, volunteer for opportunities to grow and be more effective in His Kingdom. “Except a grain of wheat falls into the ground it remains alone” (Jn 12:24). Lay down your own plans and security for the sake of others coming to know Christ.

Risk taking is vital to life’s significance. Between taking the risk and reaching the safety of the destination there may be a long time without any visible progress. It will be during this time Satan will tempt you to give up by suggesting, ‘it was not God who spoke to you to do this crazy thing’ but the outcome will definitely be worth it.

See also: challenge, chance, comfort zone, confidence, faith, fear (crippling), insecurity, opportunity, safety, security, stewardship, volunteer.