Religious Spirit

<<counterfeit of the Holy Spirit>>

Having a religious spirit is substituting religious activity or ritual for that of the Holy Spirit, outwardly conforming without the inner transformation of heart; it is “Having a form of godliness yet denying its power” (2 Tim 3:5). Paul challenged his readers, “After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?” (Gal 3:1-3). A religious spirit or mindset has invaded the church too, and manifests itself in various ways including being critical of the spiritual walk of another, having no passion or hunger for God, or trying to impress others with our spirituality. How often do we think ‘that message was for … [someone else]’ instead of dealing with the issue in our own lives? Jesus said it is like trying to find a speck in another’s eye while failing to recognise the plank in our own eye (Lk 6:41,42). Our focus of responsibility is to humbly get our lives right before God and maintain that position, not straining to correct another.

A person with a self-righteous attitude of pride considers his or her own life to be ‘all-together’ when in fact they are badly deceived and woefully lacking (Rev 3:17). They want punishment, not forgiveness for others who sin, but the reverse treatment for their own

Does my lifestyle match my words?

wrongdoing (Jn 8:3-11). Do I consider myself ‘the exception to the rule’ – that God views me differently?

The outwardly ‘spiritual’ members of society during the time of Christ are the ultimate example. They opposed anyone who had a different view; because they considered they were more spiritual, they had the monopoly on the truth, and they were not receptive to insights from others. Jesus referred to them as “Whitewashed graves, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean” (Mt 23:27). Jesus was scathing in His view of these who claimed to represent God, yet their lifestyle did not match their words – hence the word hypocrite (Lk 11:37-52). They were so attentive to following the traditions they missed the intent or real reason behind the teaching, and certainly did not recognise Christ in their midst. They focused on the rules and overlooked the more important relationship that could have been theirs. Their concern was the outward appearance and recognition from others, not the inner condition of their heart before God and the depth of relationship (1 Sam 16:7).

Jesus spoke of two men praying – one focused on himself by elaborating on his qualities and religious works while the other acknowledged that He was nothing without divine intervention, depending only on the mercy of God. It was this second man, who didn’t trust in his own ability but whose

Without the Holy Spirit’s initiation our zeal will achieve nothing

confidence was solely in the Lord, who connected with God (Lk 18:9-14). Trusting in our own spirituality and knowledge only feeds our pride, whereas true spiritual maturity leads to increasing humility and dependency on the Lord, together with an overwhelming thankfulness to Him for the grace shown us. 

Pride prevents change and keeps people from connecting to Jesus. Be honest and humble in your walk with God and those about us (Mic 6:8). Do not make token gestures, a public show or image yet fail to maintain your own spiritual disciplines when no one watching. Focus on your connection to your life source (Jesus) being wholeheartedly ‘sold out’ to Him as your priority rather than your ministry (Ex 20:3). Satan does all he can to prevent people making and maintaining a life changing relationship with Christ.

God, whose ways are so much higher than ours are, “commands all people everywhere to repent” and follow His ways (Act 17:30). As “Your Word is truth” and the Bible is the standard everything is to be judged against, why not acknowledge your waywardness and attitudes that are not God-honouring and in humility surrender yourself afresh to Him (Jn 12:48; 17:17; Act 17:11).

See also: connection, counterfeit, deception, façade, fruit, humility, hypocrite, Pharisees, religion, self-righteous.