
<<relationship, connection>>

We bond more with some people than others, yet we should not gather into insular cliques and avoid those we have less empathy with. Always be mindful of the character of those with whom you are forming close relationships. Samson ‘broke the rules’ and was infatuated with a heathen Philistine woman, later with a prostitute, then Delilah (Jdg 14:1-7, 16:1,6). In each of these relationships, although there was a sexual connection there was certainly no spiritual rapport or camaraderie.  Compare his life with the close bonding of heart and soul (but no sexual relationship) between David and Jonathan (1 Sam 18:1-4). Between husband and wife there should be the closest of loving connection, second only to that between a person (us) and God (Eph 5:25,28). Submission, respect, trust and always wanting the others best should also present in this ongoing two-way relationship. There is no rapport between good and evil (Prov 29:27).

Jesus mixed with sinners so He might present to them a better way to live (Mt 9:10-12). He said, “You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business…everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you” (Jn 15:14,15). God does not want a distant, uninterested relationship with us. He wants us to speak to Him in prayer and He communes with us through our conscience and thoughts.  God lavished His love on us, calling us His children, Christ identified with our humanity by giving His life in our place that we might be with Him in heaven, while the Holy Spirit lives within each believer (1 Cor 6:19; Heb 2:17,18; 1 Jn 3:1). What value do I put on my connection to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? What is damaged or destroyed by sin, can be regained by repentance and walking uprightly in obedience.

There was a strong affinity amongst the early church believers, who embraced the gospel and lived out its message in affectionate closeness (Act 2:46,47). The bond of Christ, between believers, should be lived out, in honesty and humbleness, practically sharing each other’s burdens, praying deeply and lovingly from the heart and demonstrating the character of Christ in all situations, all the time (Gal 6:2;

How is my rapport with my own family members?

Heb 13:1; Jas 5:16; 1 Pet 1:22, 3:8,9, 4:8-10). The Bible says, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Eph 4:3). These Godly lifestyle principles of loving submission and obedience should be evidenced within the natural family as well where rapport involves safety and trust (Col 3:18-21).

See also: bond/bonding, connection, empathy, family, fellowship, friends/friendships, relationships, soul ties.