

This is a state of being mature, complete and lacking nothing. Unfortunately, because of sin, humans are imperfect and cannot achieve perfection without God’s help.  God is perfect and Jesus said, “You are to be perfect” (Mt 5:48).  While we will not achieve this prior to heaven we should be working towards it by doing what is pleasing in God’s eyes. We should focus on several areas including our devotion and obedience to God. We should seek to be morally perfect – a character quality – and sinless in our behaviour, loving others, as Jesus said by our love all men will know we are His disciples (Jn 13:35; 1 Pet 1:15). If we claim to be perfect, we deceive ourselves; however, we can aim for perfection without claiming to be faultless (2 Cor 13:11; 1 Jn 1:8-10). Paul didn’t say he was perfect but was striving towards that goal (Phil 3:12-14). Jesus was the perfect man, and although tempted He never sinned, giving us the example and goal for us how to live (Jn 8:46; Heb 4:15; 1 Pet 2:21,22).

The whole of Scripture is beneficial to thoroughly equip us for every good work, so we may be perfect in Christ, doing what He would if He were still on earth in bodily form, for even as God sent Jesus into the world, so Jesus now sends us (Mt 28:19; Jn 14:12, 20:21; Col 1:28; 2 Tim 3:16,17).

People are one of the main means whereby our lives can be refined. The irksome, irritating traits of others, if responded to correctly, are what God will use to transform us from self-centeredness into a vessel of honour and usefulness in His Kingdom. Remember, we will annoy people by our habits too! 

We are being perfected by the imperfections of others

If unsure of a particular course of action try to visualise, then do what you believe Jesus would do. If we wait for the perfect conditions, we will not get anything done (Eccl 11:4). As we love each other we are outworking the nature of God, and His love is being made complete in us and also drives out fear (1 Jn 4:12-18).

The Lord whose way is perfect will make my way perfect for His power is made perfect or complete in our weakness (Ps 18:30,32; 2 Cor 12:9). Because of Jesus we are seen in God’s eyes as perfect – in position, not performance (2 Cor 5:17; Heb 8:12). In reality we are far from that stage of perfection, the process of attaining that goal is underway and will be completed provided we co-operate with Him (Rom 8:29; Phil 1:6, 3:20,21; Heb 10:14; 1 Jn 3:2,3; Jud 1:24).  It is our responsibility to actively put off the old nature that defiles and put on the new Christ-like nature so we can help each other become mature, besides contributing to the life of the body of Christ (Eph 4:12,22-24; Col 3:5-10). The area that is most difficult to become perfect in is our speech as often our tongue speaks out even before we have thought – it expresses what is stored up inside (Mt 12:34; Jas 3:2). “You will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is steadfastly trusting in you” (Isa 26:3).

Jesus was made perfect through the suffering He experienced, and so became the source of eternal life (Heb 2:10, 5:8,9). Similarly, “When He has tried me I shall come forth as pure gold” with the impurities of the carnal flesh removed, for it is as we correctly handle the issues that arise on the journey of life that our life is refined in Christ (Job

23:10; Jas 1:2-4).

Christ is the perfect example – model your life on Him

God is perfect and consequently all He does is too, this includes the plan of salvation, heaven and His dealings with us. In our very limited understanding we have a lot of 'Why's' in relation to this life, yet when we arrive in heaven our perspective will change. Our earthly mindset will be replaced by a holy, heavenly outlook. God in grace and mercy offers forgiveness to all yet not all choose to trust in Christ; in effect they are rejecting perfection, God's dwelling place and rejecting God Himself. Although some of our loved ones may be among those missing out on eternal life, and from our current assessment this would cause us pain and mourning, the Bible states He will wipe away all tears and the former things will pass away and we have a true view of His ways which are now beyond our comprehension (Rom 11:33; 1 Cor 13:12; Rev 21:4). From the perspective of those facing eternal damnation if they continue to reject the offer of salvation we should be stimulated in our efforts to point our loved ones (besides the lost in general) to faith in Christ, so they also will be in heaven.

See also: completion, example, excellence, faults, holy/holiness, imperfection.