Old Age

<<later stage of life>>

Growing old and death are a normal part of life in this world, yet no one is guaranteed to live to old age so make every day count for eternity understanding our purpose in life can only be fulfilled through relationship with Him.

As a rule, older folk have a depth of knowledge, wisdom and experience that is valuable to the younger generation and are to be respected in spite of their forgetfulness, slowness and lack of technological capabilities. Once more socially active, many older

Don’t die before you are dead! 

people including those who have suffered the loss of their spouse are lonely, as they no longer have the energy to be involved. Rather than seniors rehearsing their exploits, and discussing their aches and pains it is better to foster relationships, speaking about the Lord and His blessings, passing on Godly insights that will continue to advance the Kingdom of God. Why conform to the world's mindset of being 'past it'? Look after your health by eating wisely and exercising physically, be mentally, socially and spiritually active. There should be no such thing as retirement for the Christian, so while not as physically involved they can mentor younger believers and devote more time to the vital ministry of prayer – “The righteous will…still bear fruit in old age” (Ps 92:12,14). When Moses died at the age of 120 "his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone" and Caleb was 85 when he said "I am still strong and vigorious...now give me this hill country and with the Lord's help I will drive out the enemies" (Deut 34:7; Josh 14:10-12). Although there will be regrets in later life don’t let them blight your spirit, instead make the most of the present and utilise it His glory. Our life on earth is only over when God says it is so live for Him until the day you die. Near the end of their lives both Jesus and Paul said they had finished the work God had given them (Jn 19:28,30; 2 Tim 4:7). Can I honestly say I am approaching the completion of what God requires of me?

All adults should have legal documents (wills) that clearly give direction as to how they desire their possessions to be disposed of after they die.

We are not to forget the sacrifices our parents made for us, and who now may be in need of care themselves. The Bible commands us to honour our parents and care for them (Ex 20:12; Eph 6:2,3; 1 Tim 5:3,4,8). For those with less than ideal parents this will require forgiving them for the past offences – this will bring a release to your spirit.

See also: death, legacy, loneliness, mentor, parents/parenting, past, retirement, will (legal document) .