

The greatest legacy we can pass on to our children and grandchildren is not money, or other material possessions accumulated in our life, but rather a legacy of faith and character, desirable qualities of spirit, integrity and kingdom values. Be motivated to deal with all sins disabilities and generational

What am I handing on?

curses. Everything we say and do either contributes to or diminishes the legacy which we are depositing in the lives of others – not just our descendants,

but also those who are in our sphere of influence. As we have been enriched in so many ways by the input of those who have gone before us, we in turn have a responsibility to help lay a sound foundation in the lives of younger people and provide a Godly influence for future generations. As in a relay race, we pass on the baton, with the changeover period being critical so the baton is not dropped. We should be leaving the world a better place by intentionally investing in others and especially praying and giving into the Kingdom of God. Paul said, “I want to finish well. After I have done so much to help others I must ensure that I are not disqualified” (1 Cor 9:27).

See also: character, children, curse, descendants, disability, example, foundation, heritage, inheritance, input, responsible/responsibility.