

Memory has an important function for human protection and learning.

Timothy was to remind or refresh the memories of Paul’s readers that his lifestyle matched his words (1 Cor 4:17). Later Paul said he thanked God each time he remembered the Christians at Philippi because of their partnership in the gospel (Phil 1:3). Peter wrote, “I have written both letters as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. I want you to recall the words…” (2 Pet 3:1,2). Daniel didn’t just rely on his memory but also made notes (Dan 7:1). Diaries and journals in which to record important details and chronicle your spiritual walk are recommended. Today’s commercial world requires meticulous documentation and recording of information in permanent retrievable form and not just relying on mental memory.

Memory helps us to learn from the past. In significant situations try to fully and accurately register the information, so there is better recollection From what we have deliberately stored within we can combat Satan’s attacks (Mt 4:4,7,10 ; Lk 6:45). We are also to use our memories for the benefit of the next generation. “Don’t forget the things you have seen, teach them to your children...remember the way the Lord has lead is He who gives you ability” (Deut 4:9, 8:2,18).

Memories can be both good and bad. Treasure the good ones and thank God for them. Bad memories can easily entangle our minds, keeping us bound to the old life of defeat and shame.

Do my memories hold me in bondage?

Through inner healing, destructive memories can be removed so we are transformed in our mind (Rom 12:2).

It is the character of God that He will remember those who fear [revere] Him, while forgetting their confessed sin (Mal 3:16-18; Heb 8:12, 10:17). We remember the great sacrifice He made for us when we participate in Communion of the Lord’s Supper (Lk 22:19; 1 Cor 11:23-26).

See also: behaviour, bondage, empower, forget, inner healing, journaling, memorial, memorisation, mind, past, remember, thinking/thoughts, wounded.