
Being feminine relates to what is typical of women and girls, often with qualities such as modesty, expressiveness and being emotional. Another distinguishing trait of women to is to impress and appear beautiful, yet the

Aim to be the godliest woman you can be

beauty of inner character is more important than outward attractiveness (Prov 31:30; 1 Tim 2:9,10; 1 Pet 3:3-5). Be ladylike and excel in the qualities you have – what woman doesn’t like to dress up? Yet, be aware men's thoughts can quickly be led astray by provocative and seductive clothing.The Bible is not saying that women should be unattractive but the emphasis is to be on the inner qualities of heart and dress with dignity. As women of God, operate out of your God-designed femininity and embrace all the facets. As His daughter, define yourself as He does and not the world's distorted view. Pursue godliness in your gender.

Feminism (often termed women’s lib/eration) advocates both genders having equal rights and opportunities, which necessitates respecting diverse women's experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths. Females have traditionally been subject to inferior treatment and oppressive social structures in the male-dominated societies including physical

Feminism is about equal rights and opportunities

abuse and sexual exploitation. Attempting to counter this have been organised pressure activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests. There should be a strong voice raised on their behalf to bring freedom from such treatment as well as instructing men to value and respect all women. The Bible values, protects and supports women and girls to be empowered to have equal social , economic, and political rights and freedoms in life that are available to men and boys.

Christianity has resulted in the liberation of females from second-class, vulnerable citizens in life (slaves with no rights) elevating them to their rightful place as “joint heirs in the grace of God” sharing in the blessing of salvation, being “all one in Christ” (Gal 3:28; 1Pet 3:7). The divine order is women are to be equal to but yet submissive to their husbands (Gen 3:16; 1 Cor 11:3; Eph 5:22-24; Tit 2:5). All should delight in the uniqueness that God created in women who can give birth to, and nourish their offspring. Women should be content in the role God has given them, not trying to usurp the male’s function, just like man should not try to replicate a woman’s calling in life. This does not mean that men should not be vitally involved in the care, training and upbringing of their children, nor the wife be incapable of doing the man’s recognised tasks as circumstances dictate.

Yet, feminist theology, seeks to go beyond the perimeters of Scripture, being driven by a political agenda or personal preference, is not pleasing to God. The belief of a women's reproductive rights regarding her own body, with the entitlement to have an abortion-on-demand after a child has been 'inconveniently' conceived are also not compatible with Scripture. The use of contraception within the marriage is permitted.

See also: abortion, empower, equality, fairness, rights, women.