Critical Race Theory (CRT)

This is the stance that governmental and social institutions (criminal justice, education, health, housing etc) are adversely affected by racism embedded in their laws, policies and procedures that result in differential outcomes depending on race. It’s philosophy is similar to that of social justice. CRT seeks to address the equalities by reforming or reshaping society by replacing racist structures and is viewed as a solution to white supremacy.  Those affected view themselves as victims, suffering unfair biased treatment, oppressed and held back from their perceived rights and unable to break free.

It is true that some laws and legal reforms have oppressed and exploited marginalized groups and indigenous people. Without exception, these people groups have been penalized and taken advantage of by the ‘new’ foreign settlers with serious atrocities committed. Generally, these issues

The focus should be on moving forward together into the future 

have been addressed in good faith and compensation (although not always to the deprived original inhabitants liking). Rather than continually looking back into the past to put the record right all parties must move forward together in co-operation and reconciliation.     

As believers, we should examine our beliefs and attitudes, and change any ungodly prejudices we have. Showing favouritism is not a God-honouring quality (Jas 2:1-9).

CRT is not compatible with a Christian world view as it suggests that people are essentially defined by their race and class, rather than what the Bible teaches about their individual choices, attitudes, actions and responsibilities being the determining factor (Jer 31:31-34; Gal 3:28; Rev 20:11-13). This false premise replaces an individual or personal relationship and accountability to God with a communal group system (Mt 12:36; Rom 14:12).

Because of sin, this world is blighted by self-centredness and strained relationships among other destructive evils that make it much less than God’s ideal.

See also: favouritism, indigenous, individualprejudice, race/racism, rights (civil), social justice, victim, victim mentality, world view.