

Favouritism is showing special treatment, attention or preference to one or just some in a group, to the neglect of others. It is unwise to show any unfair bias or discrimination towards certain individuals, as this creates envy, bitterness, division and often leads to those unjustly treated trying to get even.  Joseph was a favoured son and this quickly turned to hatred and almost ended in him being murdered by his non-favoured brothers (Gen 37:3,4,18).  Parents especially should give equal love, attention and appropriate discipline to each of their children, not spoiling some at the expense of their siblings even though there may be a closer bond or affinity with some than others.

We will naturally relate more to some people than to others, but we should value and respect everyone, regardless of their nationality, gender, social standing, likeability, ability, talents and compatibility. Showing partiality or preference is a sin (Ex 23:3; Lev 19:15; 1Tim 5:21; Jas 2:1-9).

Jesus identified with the poor and those unable to help themselves, showing them just as much love as He did the rich people.  He said, “Whatever you do [or don’t do], for one of the least of these you do [or don’t do], for me” (Mt 25:35-45). The teaching of Jesus is, for us to love not only those who love us but also those who persecute us (Mt 5:43-48).

God loves everyone because they are made in His image and He is always just and fair with His judgements always right (Gen 1:26; Deut 32:4; Ps 7:11; Lam 3:22,23; Jn 3:16).  There is no favouritism with God; we are all equal before the cross on which Jesus died to provide salvation for all – yet to

Do I respect and value others equally or am I guilty of favouritism?

experience this depends on personal choice (Jn 1:12; Rom 2:11; Eph 6:9). He is not a respecter of persons for whoever comes to Him He will accept (Jn 6:37; Act 10:34,35). With perfect, unbiased love God sends the sun and rain on both the just and unjust. Neither does He show favouritism regarding judgment for sin (Mt 5:45; Col 3:25).  From our human viewpoint, favouritism means a place of higher status with unfair treatment of anyone not favoured. Showing favouritism is wrong, as it prefers some above others, as opposed to the desirable receiving or giving of favour – that is, an act of kindness, grace, approval or goodwill.

See also: bless/blessed, chosen, compare/comparison, discrimination, equality, fairness, favour, impartial, injustice, justice, predestination, sovereignty of God.