
<<assignment, empowerment>>

Moses laid his hands on Joshua, and he was filled with the spirit of wisdom to enable him to carry out God’s plan through him (Deut 34:9). Jesus commissioned His disciples go and do what He had been demonstrating as He ministered to the needs of the people

With His help, fulfill your task

(Lk 9:1,2, 10:1-19). Later He extended this instruction to all Christians in the Great Commission, stating, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…Do what I have been doing, and even greater things…” (Mt 28:18-20).  He has directed all believers to continue His Kingdom ministry – am I taking His orders seriously as outworked by my obedience?

At his conversion Paul was given his calling – “This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name [to many people]” (Act 9:15, 13:2,3). Barnabas and Paul were sent out, with the blessing of the believers in the early church, to fulfil the outworking of this assignment. We also should endorse and

What do you believe God has commissioned you to do for Him?

practically provide (as we are able) for those ‘sent’ to minister in today’s world, especially if it is ‘full-time’ ministry (3 Jn 1:6). This does not exempt any of us though from living for Christ and sharing the gospel. It is essential to know and operate in your commissioned role in the Kingdom of God and be under the protective covering of Godly authority (Act 6:2-6).

See also: authority, call/calling, dedicate, Great Commission, hands (laying on of), protection.