
<<logical explanation of Bible truths>>

This is the reasoned defense of the Christian faith. Skeptics doubt the existence of God, question the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible, while numerous false teaches inside the church promote false doctrines, pervert the Scriptures and deny the key truths of the Christian faith. Apologetics seeks to present the Christian truth through the light of God's Word and logical rationale, not myth, opinion or narrow-mindedness. All our interactions with people should be governed by love and respect. Paul started with the known facts about God and from that foundation moved into the unknown. He affirmed what people accepted and then presented Christ, leaving the final decision with them (Act 17:2,3,23). On numerous aspects of the faith, Christians hold differing views. However, do not argue over minor doctrinal differences. Be united in those many areas of common belief, pray with and for them, and present a unified witness for Jesus. If they have a few wrong beliefs but are open to God, the Holy Spirit can convict them. However, they might be right and your views incorrect!

If they are determined, it is difficult trying to convince others of their error (Jn 10:22-39). However, the truth is not threatened by debate or investigation. Aquila and Priscilla observed that Apollos was not fully conversant with the message of Christ. They explained it more completely to him and then he was more able to “prove from the scriptures that Jesus was the Christ” (Act 18:24-28).  It is not our views and opinions that count, rather it is presenting the truths of the Bible. Besides sharing proofs and evidences that the Christian message is true utilizing evidence of archeology and fulfilled prophecy, the preconceived ideas and assumptions behind anti-Christian positions and the flaws in other worldviews can also be exposed and confronted. Before His crucifixion, Jesus said His imminent resurrection would validate His radical claims (Mt 12:38-40, 17:9, 20:19, 26:32, 27:63). The bodily resurrection of Christ was God's vindication of Christ's deity (Act 2:23-32).

We should “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Pet 3:15). This means we have studied and formulated logical responses for those who enquire about the Christian faith. It is knowing why we believe what we believe, and taking captive every opposing thought

Can I clearly and convincingly explain my belief in Jesus?

to make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor 10:5). Being able to refute unbiblical doctrine is a requirement of church leaders (Tit 1:9).

While we may not be able to debate or adequately answers all the questions people level at us we stand firm in the difference Jesus has made in us. The blind man to whom Jesus restored his sight said in effect, 'I don't have all the answers but this I know, I was blind but now I see (Jn 9:25). He was a changed man with a lifestyle or manner of life to prove it and this transformation demanded peoples attention.

A reasoned ‘in plain words’ explanation of the gospel is at the heart of witnessing.

See also: Apollos, Aquila and Priscilla, belief/believe, doctrine, evangelism, facts, proselytize, reason, truth, witness/witnessing, worldview.