
<<attainment, success>>  

We successfully achieve eternal results when operating inside God’s will. It is not our ability, that causes us to succeed, so don’t take credit for God’s blessing (Deut 8:18; Jdg 7:2,3). Do not boast of what has been achieved; rather value it as something God

With God I can – Philippians 4:13

regarded as worth achieving in and through us. We are merely the channel by which His purposes are outworked; we do the work that Christ wants us to do and so He should receive all the credit (Isa 42:8, 48:11). In arrogance and pride, those who considered their position and power was the result of their own efforts were soon dealt with (Dan 4:30-37; Act 12:21-23).

Others have also had input into our lives enabling us to get the results we have. Recognition and thanks is due to them as well as God. By the grace of God I am what I am, and accomplished what I have (1 Cor 15:10).  “The disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them” (Mk 16:20). In obedience, the people were doing what they had been instructed to do. The result was the Lord enabling and blessing their efforts. “It’s not by might or by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord” (Zech 4:6).

What dreams are you endeavouring to turn into reality? Do you have manageable steps towards that goal? Don’t allow good intentions to remain just that. Diligently apply yourself to being prepared and equipped, as you embark on the journey bringing into existence the dream within, constantly growing in character and in humility being accountable to others. To achieve any goal there will be a cost

Am I achieving His purpose for my life?

involved; the greater and more noble it is, the greater the price tag of sacrifice, not necessarily monetary but in effort, self-discipline and applying yourself in a focused way. Identify God’s will for your life and endeavour to make all things serve in its fulfillment, or at least not detract from it. It is essential to prioritise and focus on the goal or else, trying to be all things to all people, you fail to accomplish what is your specific calling. Am I labouring for what is eternal or just focused on the affairs of this life? 

Get a faith-inspired vision of what is possible and act accordingly. Regularly evaluate your focus and progress. Even when you have achieved your present goal, reach out into new projects or else help others fulfill theirs. Each accomplishment can be a stepping-stone for a greater endeavour in Christ. Don’t allow Satan to sidetrack or negate your service for the Lord. Don’t live with the regret of not having attempted what you believe you should have. What God calls us to do is outside our comfort zone, however the Christian life is to be lived with His empowering and in dependency on Him.  

God always has and always will be in complete control. Jesus came to earth and through His death paid the eternal penalty for sin (for those who accept His offer) breaking Satan's hold over them (Col 2:13-15; 1 Jn 3:8).  Jesus achieved for us what we could never attain on our own and we must always understand that it is only in Christ we are victors, “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor 15:57). Don’t ever think you can make it alone. Ackowledge His hand on your life (Mk 12:11). 

See also: ability, accomplishment, accountability, actions/activity, being and doing, call/calling, comfort zone, dependence, dreams, effort, goals, persevere, pride, results, sacrifice, success, victory.