
 <<the older brother of Moses>>

Together they lead the Israelites out of Egypt and on the journey towards the Promised Land (Israel).

Aaron and Moses were used by God in the liberating of the Israelites from Egypt and guiding them for some 40 years on their wilderness journey till just prior to their entry into the Promised Land. However, because of their disobedience, resulting from a lack of trust in God, neither Aaron nor Moses were allowed to enter (Num 20:12,24). Moses was God’s appointed leader, but he didn’t consider himself a proficient public speaker so God spoke to Moses, who in turn told Aaron, who ably became the mouthpiece, speaking the messages of God to the Israelites. Aaron became the first high priest (founder of the priesthood) in the wilderness tabernacle. The priests were the people’s representatives before God and were involved in the tabernacle services and the sacrifices offered.

Aaron’s story is told in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. He lived between about 1500 to 1400 years B.C.

Lessons from his life: * Aaron did not receive the message directly from God, but passed on what he had been told by Moses (Ex 4:14-16). Effective teamwork occurs when each person uses his or her special abilities for the overall benefit of the whole. By using their strengths to compliment the deficiencies in others, each one feels needed and contributes to the combined effectiveness rather than looking for personal recognition. No one is completely self-sufficient. We help others and they help us through interdependence and together we achieve goals that individually no one could make alone (Eph 4:16).  Am I humbly using my gifts, aware that I need others to have input into my life so in turn I can influence others?    

* Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ arms and so helped ensure victory when the Israelites were fighting the Amalekites (Ex 17:8-13). We need to assist and encourage our spiritual leaders by shouldering responsibility and praying for and with them. Our wellbeing, to a large degree, is dependent on the vision and input of those over us, both in the natural and spiritual realms. It is a hard and often lonely calling to be a Godly leader. Do I support those over me? Our faith relates to and affects both the physical (seen) and spiritual (unseen) realms.

* Aaron yielded to peer-pressure and made a golden calf (Ex 32:1-6). The people worshipped this idol resulting in God’s judgement. He was easily persuaded to turn from God very soon after the miraculous intervention of God bringing about the release from Egypt (which is a type or picture of the world), and its heathen practices.  We must guard our weak areas carefully as it is where Satan will most likely try to cause us to slip back into the old sinful ways of life. We need to know what God’s Word declares and remain true to it.

* Along with Miriam his sister, he spoke against Moses’ wife and was envious of his brother’s spiritual position and influence. God declared Moses was ‘His man for that time’ and dealt with the situation (Num 12:1-16). We are not to speak against those the Lord has anointed and placed in leadership for they are His representatives, provided they continue to walk with God (1 Chr 16:22). By speaking against them, we are speaking against God.  He requires implicit obedience to His commands rather than doing things our own way (Num 20:6-13). God’s judgement is more severe on the leaders and those in positions of influence when they act contrary to His standards than on the followers. While leaders are not above being challenged if we consider they are out-of-line spiritually there is a correct procedure to follow (1 Tim 5:19,20).

Also see: co-operation, dependence, Egypt, Miriam, Moses, peer pressure, priests, Promised Land, tabernacle, teamwork.