
<<OT priest>>

Various people of this name appear in the OT but only one is considered here; a priest who remained faithful to King David and later to King Solomon (2 Sam 8:17, 15:24-29; 1 Kgs 1:32-35, 2:27,35). His loyalty was tested on several different occasions, and each time he chose the right option. He had spiritual insight (discernment) and made the decision to support David, the “man after God’s own heart” remaining true to him, in spite of the possibility of death and contrary to the majority.

His name appears throughout 2 Samuel, 1 Kings and 1 Chronicles. These events happened about 1,000 BC.

Lesson from his life: * Not only did he make godly choices in critical life-defining matters, this quality was also evident in his sons who faithfully served God too (Ezek 40:46, 44:15,16). We also must go against the crowd sometimes and even against close associates to remain true to God’s Word and His guidance to us.  It is imperative we hear clearly from God and walk in the conviction and leading we receive.  Pray for discernment to make wise choices and boldness to put them into action.

The decisions we make determine where we go ‘in God’ and ultimately we are answerable for those choices made. Our example has a profound influence on others (especially our children) and the decisions they in turn make.

See also: choices, discernment, hearing God's voice, legacy, loyalty, priest.