
<<undesirable habit>>

Habits are regular ways of doing things which become automatic or unconscious most of the time. Meanwhile a vice, because it is an abnormal behaviour pattern has a damaging effect, not only for ourselves but others, and may well lead to sin as many of these are moral failings. Such areas of wrongdoing and sin need to be dealt with – a process that can be long and difficult, as in cases of addiction. Now as Christians we are not to be controlled by anything other than Him, putting off what is of the old life and replacing it with what reflects the new life (Ex 20:3; 2 Cor 5:17; Eph 4:22-24; Col 3:5-8).

Many people are in bondage to pornography, having ‘eyes full of adultery’, but this can be overcome (Mt 5:27,28; 2 Pet 2:13,14). Job said, “I have made a covenant with my eyes not to lustfully look at a girl” (Job 31:1). Others regularly speak critically or blasphemously but David said “I am purposed my mouth shall not transgress” (Ps 17:3). It is wise to know your vulnerable areas and establish safeguards to hold you accountable. Scripture counsels people to stay away from the fire if you don’t want to be burned (Prov 6:25-28)!

If a strong, destructive, dominating practice is unable to be broken, an evil spirit may need be driven out, although often not enough emphasis is put on the human responsibility of self-control and discipline to choose and then live in the freedom we have received through Christ along with living out the

Are there areas of my life that I need to address and see victory in?

significance of water baptism – dying to the old life and rising to new life in Christ (Mt 12:43-45; Rom 6:2-7; Gal 5:1,13). The Bible says, “You must master it”, rather than giving in and following wrong desires then saying ‘I couldn’t help it. The devil made me do it’ (Gen 4:7; Jud 1:18). “A man is a slave to whatever has mastered him” (Rom 6:16-22; 2 Pet 2:19). Satan doesn’t make people sin – he provides the opportunity and suggestion; the decision to yield or refrain is up to the individual (Jas 1:14). What area of my life – with my conscious decision and effort coupled with God’s power – do I need to address and see victory in?

We are to live in harmony with God and His standards, being in control of our desires and not lusting like those who don’t know God, because the carnal flesh is attracted to sin and easily entrapped, with disastrous, long-term results (Prov 7:22,23,26,27; Rom 7:5; Gal 5:16-21; 1 Thes 4:3-7). We are exhorted to ‘put to death’ sinful vices and replace them, with the Spirit’s help, with positive habits, becoming to a servant of God. “Don’t let sin rule your physical bodies nor offer it’s various members as instruments of wickedness” (Rom 6:11-14).

See also: accountability, baptism (2), bondage, deliverance, desires, habits, new/new life, put off/put on, self-control, self-discipline, sin/sinners, temptation, victory.