
<<discontented, lacking>>

Proverbs states four things that are never satisfied – fire, the thirsty earth, the grave and a barren womb – but our needs can be met in Jesus (Ps 23:1; Prov 30:15,16; 2 Cor 9:8; Phil 4:19; Col 2:3). We must never try to meet our inner longings by ways not approved by God, so it is essential to understanding His will and methods. Pray, bringing your request to the Lord as Hannah did; she can testify to the truth of “Delighting in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” (1 Sam 1:10-16; Ps 37:4).

If a person just drifts through life without an aim, not knowing who they really are or their purpose in life, they will never have the sense of accomplishment of specific goals. Sometimes a feeling of unfulfillment is the result of being involved in too many different causes, without adequate input invested in the worthwhile ones, or not having time to review the successes there have been.

There can be a sense of emptiness in what a person achieves for himself or herself on earth while being other-focused, by adding value to someone else through helping them achieve their goals, boosts our self-worth. The Bible encourages us to build up the Kingdom of God, which will last forever, by investing in the souls of people – as opposed to earthly things which will pass away (Eccl 2:4-11; Mt 6:19-21,33; 2Pet 3:10; 1 Jn 2:17). “Do whatever He tells you”, in preference to activities of no lasting benefit and not essential (Jn 2:5).

Every promise of the Bible, and true vision given by Him, will be fulfilled at the right time (Num 23:19; Ps 89:34; Ezek 12:21-25). There is always a testing gap between the promise and reality – ask Joseph who waited some 20 years before his dream materialized (Gen 37:2-9, 42:6, 43:28).  Don’t walk away from a God-given and, as yet, unfulfilled promise, rather press into God for its fulfillment, continuing in faith and hope while exercising staying power and remaining within His boundaries and obedient to His directives. Abraham tried, by human reasoning, to help fulfil God’s promise but the resulting son was not what God had promised and has been a continual source of conflict between the Arabs and Israelites (Gen 15:4, 17:19; Gal 4:22,23).

Just as the unsaved continually lust after more wickedness to indulge in, we as Christians should never be satisfied with our relationship with God, always reaching out for greater intimacy with Him (Ps 27:8; Prov 8:17; Jer 29:13; Eph 4:19). A fulfilled life

Find, then work towards His goals

results from doing His will. Jesus said, “I have completed the task you gave me to do” (Jn 17:4).  Paul said he was pressing on to do the will of God in his life, then later confidently declared, “I have finished the race...Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness” (Phil 3:12-14; 2 Tim 4:7). All who want to live fulfilled lives require commitment, motivation and determination to serve Him faithfully. Does my life agree with the Word of God, both the written Scriptures and any personal word spoken to us? (Jn 19:28).

Do I have a divine discontent that is prepared to pay the price such as Jacob did, when he said, "I will not let you go unless you bless me" (Gen 32:26). There is always much more to experience of the spiritual riches available in Christ – allow the unfulfilled yearning in your heart push you into an ongoing deeper relationship with Him as you focus on fulfilling His plans for you (Mt 6:33). Jesus said the 'world' would leave us unsatisfied with nothing in that realm fully satisfying us while what comes from the divine source would be an eternally enriching abundant supply (Jn 4:13,14). The message to us is only seek fulfilment by godly means. Even in the natural we have legitimate unfulfilled desires that we must learn to live with, being content in Him rather than yearning for something else – another god (Ex 20:3). Don't live an unfulfilled life, only existing because fear of stepping outside your comfort zone that keeps you bound.

See also: Abraham, call/calling, comfort zone, contentment, drive/driven, empty, fulfilment, goals, Joseph, plans and purposes, unhappy.