
‘Until death parts us’ is God’s intention for marriage. His view on the matter of remarriage is that this should only happen when one spouse dies and the remaining partner wants to get back into a marriage covenant (1 Tim 5:11). God says, “I hate divorce” because it nullifys His decree, “They are no longer two, but one…What God has joined together, let man not separate” (Mal 2:16; Mt 19:6).

There are a multitude of beliefs and opinions about remarriage. Jesus said divorce comes about because of the hardness of people’s hearts (Mt 19:8). Marital unfaithfulness (sexual immorality) is the only reason that Scripture gives that possibly condones divorce and remarriage (Mt 5:32, 19:9). However, infidelity does not necessarily excuse divorce if there is genuine repentance. Reconciliation

Love, serve and pray for and with your spouse

is the best option. Some people consider remarriage is permissible if an unbelieving spouse divorces a believer (1 Cor 7:15). There is no indication in the Bible regarding abuse (of spouse or children) being a legitimate reason. Other issues often raised include varying degrees of unfaithfulness, and whether remarried people should hold positions of leadership in the local church.

Every marriage has its challenges because it is a close relationship between two sin-prone humans who have differing values and aspirations. Rather than take the ‘easy way out’ in which everyone gets badly hurt, endeavour to work through the issues and resolve them, maybe with a Christian counsellor. Unfortunately, though, some divorces are

Be proactive in sustaining your marriage from the beginning

inevitable and the divorcees need friendship and practical support.  Many things attack the marriage bond so it is essential to keep Christ at the centre of your relationship, rather than trying to excuse or explain why you are incompatible and considering marrying someone else.

See also: divorce, infidelity, marriage