

Rash choices are characterized by such words as hasty, reckless, thoughtless, foolish and careless. Impulsive statements or vows are just as binding as those made rationally with thoughtfulness (Num 30:6,8). The devil tries to get us to act quickly, blurting out

Forethought is better than regret

words without giving due diligence to the enduring repercussions. The wise, self-controlled approach is to think a matter through before committing to it so you won’t need to reconsider your responsibility or the cost after starting, and then try to nullify what you had previously committed to (Prov 20:25; Lk 9:62, 14:28; Act 19:36). The Bible instructs us, be slow to speak, yet quick to fulfill the promises we make (Eccl 5:2-5; Jas 1:19).

People of integrity keep their promise regardless of the personal cost (Ps 15:4). Jephthah (an OT man) made a stupid, rash “vow to the Lord that I cannot break” and it cost him dearly to honour it (Jdg 11:30-39). Esau tried to reverse a previous impetuous decision but was unable (Heb 12:16,17).

In ‘the last days’, people will be rash, making hollow promises yet fail to fulfill them (2 Tim 3:1,4).

See also: consequences, forethought, impulsive, promises, rational, self-discipline, thinking/thoughts, vow.