

The natural, seen world, as opposed to the unseen, spirit realm.

Through the five senses (taste, seeing, hearing, touch, smell) we receive input from the physical realm which we readily assimilate.  However, as Christians we need a greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s inner leading and guidance. This can be achieved by living a life of dependency on and being

There is much more to life than what we relate to by our senses

in tune with the Spirit (living as Jesus would), dealing quickly with matters He convicts of, having a prayerful attitude and regular reading of the Word.

The physical world is temporary, while the spiritual is eternally lasting. We humans relate more to the physical ‘touchable’ surroundings than to the invisible but more powerful spirit dimension; but Paul explains “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood; it is against the rulers, authorities, powers of this world and the evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realms” (Eph 6:12). Satan’s aim is to steal from, kill and destroy God’s highest form of creation (mankind); disease, temptation and discouragement are some of the strategies used (Jn 10:10).

Our body is the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit’ and so should be adequately cared for and not abused or neglected (1 Cor 6:19). This is a responsibility we must take seriously. Good food, adequate rest and regular exercise help maintain physical well being or health, however if your body does succumb to a physical disease, provided Christ is your Lord and Saviour, heaven will be your destiny where there is no physical impairment. Physical wellbeing and lifestyle have a postive impact on mental well being, improving mood, motivation and energy while reducing stress and anxiety besides helping prevent mental health problems. Time spent in nature has a beneficial influence on our state of mind which enables everything else.

Increasingly, in our world, the focus of attention is on the physical body, as we look after the outer appearance using cosmetics and fitness training while the true character and personality receives little attention or input to improve, often being inundated with all sorts of unwholesome material.

God considers the inner, ‘real person’ of much higher value, the body is just the ‘husk’ (1 Sam 16:7; Prov 4:23; Mt 23:25-28; Mk 7:20-23; 1 Pet 3:3). Do I spend more time, money and effort on my outer body than attending to the condition of my inner, real self?

See also: body/soul/spirit, exercise, senses, spirit realm, spiritual/spirituality, vanity.