
<<wealth, riches>>

Money is a necessary factor of life however, ensure it doesn’t get a controlling grip, for God and money can’t both be the masters in our lives; the love of money exposes the corruption in human hearts, turning people away from God and what is honest to doing questionable things (Mt 6:24, 19:21,22; 1 Tim 6:10; Heb 13:5). While we should acknowledge it is God who gives the ability to earn money, the counsel of Scripture is, “Don’t wear yourself out to get rich, it will soon be gone” (Deut 8:18; 1 Chr 29:12; Prov 23:4,5). Money can cause us to be self-sufficient, thinking we can purchase whatever we need, rather than relying on Jesus to adequately fill the real longing of our heart. However neither salvation or any of God’s resources can be bought (Act 8:17-20; Eph 2:8,9). 

How we use our money reveals much about our values, motives and relationship with Christ. Do I spend my money with eternity in view? Money is a commodity or resource that should be willingly shared to bless others and to extend His Kingdom, not catering to our own selfish ends, for “It is

The love of money is a primary competitor for the Lordship of Christ

more blessed to give than receive” (Prov 11:24,25; Lk 6:38; Act 20:35; 1 Cor 9:9-14). Jesus said, “Love your enemies, do good to them and lend even if they won’t repay” (Lk 6:34-36). Having wealth is not sin but aquiring it by wrong means and for wrong puposes is sin.

It is honouring to God to bring Him the first fruits (offering) of one’s resources as this opens up heaven’s blessings for His promise is “Those that honour me, I will honour” (1 Sam 2:30; Prov 3:9,10; Mal 3:10).  Stewardship involves the wise use of money for God’s Kingdom, where it has lasting value and can’t be stolen or deteriorate.  Where our thoughts and hearts are, is where our treasure is (Mt 6:19-21). When we die, we leave everything behind.  Only what we have used for His Kingdom will be credited to our heavenly account (1 Tim 6:7). The monetary wealth of this life stops at death, but spiritual wealth lasts for eternity.

As we experience abundance, we are able to give more away so we can experience even greater blessing to share with others. The abundance is not for us, rather for others. Jesus told a parable of a rich man who was foolish because he only thought about himself and was not concerned about others (Lk 12:16-21). Withholding brings poverty, yet giving to the poor results in not lacking (Prov 11:24, 28:27).

Our security should in Jesus not things, for our real life does not consist in the abundance of our possessions but our relationship with Him (Prov 11:4; Lk 12:15). Wealth is not a sign of God’s approval, nor is poverty a sign of His disapproval.

Many people have financial troubles because they mismanage their money – not being rich towards God or their fellow man, and wastefully spending money on things that they neither need nor can afford. They can never recognize when ‘enough is enough’.

With the finance we receive, we should responsibly care for ourselves and our family – this shows the proof of our character (Prov 14:31; Lk 16:10-13; Eph 4:28; 2 Thes 3:10; 1 Tim 5:8). Be content to live within your means and don’t fall in

Character is of greater value than money which is merely a resource for living – Proverbs 19:1

love with money, rather be happy with what you have; be other-focused – generously blessing others and God’s work (Act 20:34,35; 2 Cor 8:1-4). Live within your income and regularly save for the items you need as well as the inevitable unexpected expense. Sound budgeting systems helps free people from the vicious cycle of debt.

See also: budgeting, character, consumerism, debts, finance, gods (idols), materialism, possessions, poverty, riches, stewardship, tithe/tithing, wealth