
Male gender of the human race as opposed to female.

God appointed the man as the head of the home. He is to be responsible for his wife and children (Gen 3:16; 1 Cor 11:3; Eph 5:22; Tit 2:5). This is not a position of lordship or control but loving guidance, protection and providing. Love is to be the governing principle of the home where both husband and wife submit to each other and surrender to the authority of Christ (Eph 5:21). Male leadership in the home and church is meant to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church. A man is called to lead through love, service and sacrifice.

A man needs a battle to fight – something important, a purpose that he can passionately throw himself into, to prove himself and encourage self-esteem. Without an adventure to live, life gets boring and so he may resort to addictions and affairs. Although physically stronger, the male can be easily tempted visually in the area of sex. Both married and single men must be master of their minds

Live up to God’s standard, not the world’s norm

keeping their thoughts focused on what is pure (Ps 119:9,11; 2 Cor 10:4,5; Phil 4:8). Men should treat woman with proper respect, the older as mothers, the younger as sisters with purity relating to females, as they would like their own sisters treated (1 Tim 5:2). Ungodly male actions towards females manifests as abuse and rape.

Male traits often include: the ability to think logically, be single focused and goal driven. They tend to be more solitary, seldom having the network of friends females do. This isolation makes men vulnerable to being targeted by the enemy. Build friendships with others men who will watch your back and through accountability challenge you if they are concerned about any area of your life, as you will also protect them.

The world has various stereotypical images of men as being hard drinking, rough, detached from their wives and children, or into fast cars and sport. While this may be true for some males, Christian men should be setting a different example. As sons of God we must live out the Word of God – it’s not enough just to know the theory, practice it.

Focus on male-centred expressions of faith that enable you to imitate the nature of God (Rom 8:29; Eph 5:1,2). Pursue godliness by glorifying God through your body, interest and abilities while retaining masculinity and the requirement to lead, protect, and provide both physically and spiritually. The Bible specifically mentions six virtues that men of God should continually develop: “righteousness,

Live a life reflecting your heavenly Father

godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness” (1 Tim 6:11). Intentionally choose to follow after these virtues that flow from our union with Christ, yet aware that it is not just saying ‘No’ to sin, but ‘Yes’ to God. We should give consistent attention to these matters not just sporadic consideration so we can live with humility before God, and controlling our appetites, enabling us to protect, provide for, and lead our families.

The fundamental requirement for biblical manhood is a proper relationship to God, this empowers the other responsibilities.

See also: abuse, accountability, father, husband, isolation, mankind, marriage, sexuality, thinking/thoughts, women.