Law of Attraction

<<power of positive thinking>>

This is the belief that positive or negative thoughts have the ability to bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. It’s assumption is that negative thoughts attract negative things, and by consistently thinking positive thoughts we can determine our own destiny and be who we want to be and have everything we want to have. There is an element of truth in this self-help concept but it has been expanded to unbiblical extremes, by failing to acknowledge God in any way. It is a humanistic attempt to achieve wholeness by personal control of our destiny. It buys into the lie Satan told Adam and Eve – ‘You do not need God, you can be God’ (Gen 3:5). As believers we should have a deepening relationship with Him – by “Delighting yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this ”, submitting to His plans and purposes for your life (Ps 37:4,5; Prov 3:5,6).

Due to how God designed our bodies, it is a medical fact that stress and worry are detrimental to the body, while joy and peace aid in the body’s healing together with a positive optomistic attiude enhancing mental health and well being. This confirms the Bible’s teaching that our thoughts and feelings do have an impact on our physical well-being – “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Ps 32:3; Prov 15:30, 17:22). 

Additionally, because our thoughts are powerful the Bible instructs us to think about the wholesome things of life and not fill our minds with the negative, destructive junk (Phil 4:8). The effect of this healthy mind-set is that we will be more aware and appreciative of the surrounding good.

It is not biblical to declare whatever we want and believe that it will happen. Our faith is to be in agreement with the Word of God and His will.

See also: bond/bonding, declare, mind, positive mental attitude, thinking/thoughts, visualisation.