Do I intentionally choose where my feet go?
slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold" (Ps 73:2). This is when his attention was incorrectly focused on the seemingly easy lives of
those who are outside the family of God. As believers, we should submit and commit your way to the Lord (Ps 37:5; Jas 4:7). “The steps of a
good man are directed by the Lord. He delights in each step they take. Though they may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him
with His hand” (Ps 37:23,24). Determine to walk uprightly with God’s Word to guide your feet, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet” (Ps
119:101,105). Just as a lamp brightens a path for our feet to walk, God’s Word provides the illumination and guidance we need to walk in
this world. “My steps have held to your paths; [as a result] my feet have not slipped" (Job 23:11; Ps 17:5, 37:31, 66:9). “Stand firm
in the freedom Christ has brought us into…keep in step with the Spirit” (Gal 5:1,25). Jesus spoke of the necessity of ensuring our walk is
upright (Mt 18:8). These verses use the analogy that our feet follow in the pathways we choose in our Christian walk in contrast with the
ungodly whose “feet rush into sin” (Ps 1:1; Prov 1:16, 6:18; Isa 59:7).
Various other expressions and customs are inferred from the use of ‘feet’ in the Bible; “Putting all things under His feet” indicating
supremacy and victory (Ps 8:6; 1 Cor 15:25-27; Eph 1:22; Heb 2:8). “Falling at a person’s feet” signifies humility and gratitude or pleading
for mercy and help (2 Kgs 4:37; Mt 18:29; Lk 17:16). “Sitting at the
feet” of someone implies learning, while “casting something” at someone’s feet indicates making an offering (Lk 10:39; Act 4:34,35). Having
one’s “Feet set on a rock” indicates a solid foundation and stability (Ps 40:2). “Shaking off the dust from one’s feet” was a sign of
condemnation and warning, not wanting to align oneself with the wrong choices of the other (Mt 10:14,15). Foot washing was the custom, in
Bible times, of guests who after having walked along the dusty roads had their feet washed by the lowest ranked servant – Jesus
washed His disciple’s feet as a symbol of humility and love instructing them to do likewise (Jn 13:1-17). “I will give you every place
where you set your foot…” was the promise made by God (Deut 1:36, 11:24; Josh 1:3). This act of possession is the reasoning behind prayer
especially when coupled with faith and anticipated victory as was the case when the Israelites marched around Jericho’ (Josh 6:2-20).
See also: drift, foot washing, path, wander.