1/. A person exhibiting a compelling attraction or charm – charisma.
2/. A divinely conferred power or talent, normally referred to as a gift (charism) of the Holy Spirit.
This term is used to describe both individual people and the Christian church movement that is typically characterized by devotion and enthusiasm derived from the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. This can grab our attention, but unless our heart is captured by God with the outworking of His character there is little of lasting value.
The Charismatic movement is most known for its emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit (considered supplementary to salvation), the gifts of the Spirit, especially speaking in tongues, divine healing and prophesy as does the Pentecostal movement from where it evolved. Many churches of various denominations accept and embrace the charismatic teaching, based on the recorded NT event, together with the spiritual gifts and supernatural manifestations given by the Holy Spirit primarily for the edification of the church (Act 2:1-4; 1 Cor 12:1-31, 14:1-39).
Fervently follow God, not the experiences
God, walking in obedience to Scripture and making disciples. Charismatics, sometimes derogatively termed ‘holy rollers’, need solid Bible teaching and the tolerance of those who hold differing views. There are conflicting views as to whether the Holy Spirit and His gifts still operate today as they did during the early NT church. This bebate is called cessation and contination.
See also: baptism (Holy Spirit), cessation and continuation, controversial issues, emotions, Holy Spirit, Spirit-filled, spiritual gifts, tongues.