

God is unchangeable, always reliable and consistent. “I am the Lord, I change not” (Mal 3:6). He doesn’t change His mind or laws. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb 13:8).

We should also be steady, only changing more into His likeness and becoming better people, not emotionally up and down with moods, being influenced by external factors and situations or other people’s responses. People who are inconsistent and unpredictable in their manner of living are undependable, undisciplined and have no established patterns. This variableness is because there is no solid foundation or firm convictions.

In areas of belief and doctrine we need to be firmly established in what the Bible teaches, however if we are clearly shown or convicted by the Holy Spirit that our understanding is wrong in an area we should humbly change. However, in every day matters we should not be rigid in our approach to life

Methods of sharing the gospel may change but the message remains the same

and situations but flexible depending on the conditions and adapt without violating spiritual values or Bible commands. As growth requires change, embrace that which will lead to a place of greater connection to Christ.

When we present our requests to God we must ask with faith and not doubt which fluctuates because it is influenced by changing conditions. The Bible says such a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways (Jas 1:6-8).

See also: change, foundation, stability, unchangeable, unstable.