
All people are equal before God. Everyone needs salvation to reach heaven. Modern society exalts sports stars, entertainers and successful business leaders to a higher level than often their character can withstand. Then because human beings are not designed to be revered to that degree, through arrogant pride and self-centeredness, they fall from

Look to Christ, not a human star – Hebrews 12:2

this evaluated position (Prov 16:18). “For whoever exalts himself [or allows themselves to be exalted] will be humbled” (Mt 23:12). However, remember pride is lurking in each of us, ready to surface and bring about our destruction – which is Satan's goal. Only God is worthy to be worshipped, and only He can receive it without any perverting any part of His total being. God loves to work through those who are not classed as wise and influential by the world’s standards (1 Cor 1:27-31). Society looks to their idols as gods and so these ‘stand out’ individuals have a strong influence for good or bad. Unfortunately, rather than being good role models for young people to emulate often their lives reveal the corruption and damage that sin brings when God is not given His rightful position in a person's life. 

How can we guard against being destroyed through pride? By ensuring we give God the glory and adulation that He alone deserves. Whatever we have (apart from our sin nature) is because of Him and not our accomplishments. The angels refused to be worshipped, instead said "Worship God" (Rev 19:10, 22:8,9).

See also: fame/famous, pride, role models.