
<<monotony, dullness>>

People need variety to enjoy an enriching life. They also need to be able to handle boring periods that do not stimulate them. The challenge is to find creative ways to make such jobs interesting as you “do it to the Lord” (Col 3:23). Children enjoy stimulating games, jobs to accomplish, variety, challenges and adults enthusiastically being involved with them. Be proactive in good wholesome fun, strenuous exercise, a hobby or volunteering in a community project instead of resorting to aimless and often destructive mischief to bring excitement into your life as idleness may lead to sinful activities for Satan is always looking for victims (1 Tim 5:13; 1 Pet 5:8). Don’t be self-focused but reach out beyond your own comfort zone to the needs of others.

Pray that your marriage partner will always captivate you, and keep the romantic fires burning as they were when you were courting – little gifts, pleasant surprises, flowers, creative outings so you don’t become bored and seek pleasure from someone else (Ex 20:14; Prov 5:18-20; 1 Cor 6:13-15). We

Is there freshness in my relationship with Jesus? How can I stimulate it?

are to bring every idea into obedience to Christ, so our thoughts and meditation are acceptable rather than fanaticising about someone or something else that is outside God’s purpose for us (Ps 19:14; 2 Cor 10:5).

Some menial, routine tasks can give rise to boredom of the natural body but they provide an opportunity to worship God, the freedom to think and meditate on other issues or to consider spiritual matters while the body is on autopilot. Use this time productively. Live with passion so discontent and boredom don't control your attitudes or stifle your ability to follow Christ..

See also: contentment, creativity, escapism, others, routine, thinking/thoughts.