
<<supposition, theory>>

Assumptions are something unproven yet presumed to be true. They are not necessarily the truth, just warped opinions, leading to incorrect conclusions resulting in wrong decisions.

It is essential to obtain the necessary and true facts, so you won’t form unfounded opinions, false beliefs or react inappropriately. If necessary ask for more information or clarification, and refrain from giving an opinion for it

Search for the truth to have a correct belief

is unwise to answer a matter without a good grasp of the details (Prov 18:13). So before jumping to prejudiced conclusions (which are generally incorrect), check the evidence. The Israelites asked, “If God is for us, why have all these bad things happened to us” (Jdg 6:13). We wrongly conclude when problems arise that nobody, including God cares. It is a false assumption that when we became a Christian life will be trouble-free. The truth is God wants to work on our lives through the difficult times and situations to conform us to the likeness of Christ (Act 14:22; Rom 8:28).

Satan blinds the minds of the unsaved so they don’t realize their need of a Saviour, assuming God will accept them into heaven because of their good works (Act 26:18; 2 Cor 4:4; Eph 2:7,8). However, the Bible is clear that only those who repent, turn to Jesus and continue to walk uprightly will enter. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Mt 7:21). Therefore, we can’t assume once we are saved, we are always saved if we don’t continue on the path of righteousness. The Bible is clear that after a person has accepted Christ there must be a turning from sin with a continual growth or advancement in the faith to safely reach heaven (Jn 8:11; Rom 6:13).

Don’t assume that all preachers are genuine and what they say is God’s view on that subject! Some preachers are ‘wolves in a sheep’s clothing’ – portraying a false image, and lead people astray (Mt 7:15). False teaching and heresy plagued the early NT church. This is why everything must be

Clearly establish the facts

evaluated or tested against the standard of the Bible – is it consistent with God's truth (Act 17:11; 1 Jn 4:1). Seek out the truth, for it is the standard by which we will be judged. It is our responsibility to know the truth so we can be set free from deception.

Other inaccurate assumptions include ‘I have made a mistake therefore I must be a failure’ – the truth is we learn from failure and so you are only a failure if you don’t try again; ‘No-one loves me’ – at least God does because He sent Jesus to die for you so you could have the opportunity of living in heaven with Him; ‘Everyone else is doing it’ – this doesn’t make something sinful right or acceptable in God’s eyes; "my church teaches if I do _____ I will go to heaven' – entrance to heaven is by belief and acceptance in the sacrifice of Jesus, not our good works or church doctrine (Eph 2:8,9); 'I said the sinner's prayer years ago and so I am secure regardless of my lifestyle' – Jesus said not everyone who claimed to know Him would be in heaven but only those who were obedient to God's revealed will which includes turning from a sinful lifestyle (Mt 7:21-27; 1 Cor 6:9,10).

See also: deception, delusion, eternal security, facts, faith, false teaching, heresy, presumption, salvation, truth.