Year of Jubilee

In the OT after seven cycles of seven years (49 years), the fiftieth year was a time of celebration, rejoicing and universal redemption or release from indebtedness and bondage (Lev 25:23-55). All prisoners were set free, slaves were released, all debt was cancelled and property was returned to its original owners. All labour ceased for a year, enabling the people and land to rest.

This OT event is used in the NT to portray Christ the Redeemer coming and setting free the slaves and prisoners of sin through His death on our behalf and our sins being forgiven – forever (Rom 8:2; Gal 3:22, 5:1; Col 2:13,14). Because of Christ we are no longer slaves to sin, and can enter into God’s rest as we do not have to work to make ourselves acceptable to Him by our labours (Heb 4:9,10). “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (Jn 8:36).

See also: celebration.