

The Israelites were instructed to “Be sure to appoint the right leaders” (Deut 17:14,15). If humans only judge by outward appearance, they overlook the more important character qualities, which reveal the real person (1 Sam 16:7). Howerver, the wicked jealous religious leaders persuaded the crowd to choose Barabbas over Jesus — a notorious prisoner was released and the benevolent righteous Son of God condemned to death (Mt 27:15-26). This was a case of manipulation and those with the loudest voice 'winning on the day'. Yet this was part of God's plan to bring about the way of salvation.

In a democratic society, it is a right and responsibility of eligible voters to decide by a majority opinion on various issues, with the outcome binding on
all the citizens.  God is most certainly in control, but that does not mean we should do nothing to further His will. The election process should not be

Christians can contribute to the shaping of society by ‘exercising their vote’

undertaken lightly, with the individual vote only being cast after considering the factors and options available. Christians should prayerfully bring the matter before the Lord and vote for leaders who promote Christian principles, and as they feel guided. Voting is an opportunity to promote, protect, and preserve godly government.

Much suffering is the result of godless leadership and in numerous countries the general population is not entitled to vote and so suffer under governments that they are powerless to change, and particularly where Christians are oppressed and persecuted because of their faith (Prov 28:12). As Christians, we should exercise our right and follow the command to fulfil our civic duties (Mt 22:21).

See also: government, politics, rights.