
The rule of a nation by God; in contrast to a democracy which is ruled by ‘the people’ or a monarchy ruled by a king or queen.

God’s plan for the Israelites was, “I will be your God and you will be my people” (Lev 26:12; Ezek 37:27; Rev 21:3). After entering the Promised Land and the death of Joshua there was a no strong leadership, however a succession of judges or deliverers guided the people over a period of 325 years.  One of these political leaders, Gideon, said, “I won’t rule over you, it’s God’s job” (Jdg 8:22,23).

During the latter period of the judges, prophets declared God’s directives to the people but they wanted to be like other nations and demanded a king. This happened when Samuel was God’s spokesman. In rejecting him they were actually rejecting God Himself (1 Sam 8:5-7).

As church fellowships today, we also should endeavour to be ruled by God, replicating Israel in seeking the mind of God, and not  just relying on what seems right to us (Jdg 17:6). We do this by being submissive to the principles and commands of Scripture while still using our common sense and minds to negotiate through the vast range of challenging situations of life.

See also: church (governance), guidance (divine), Judges (Jdg), judges of Israel.