

A place where a supply or surplus of stores are kept and from where they can be obtained when required.

In the OT a full barn or storehouse of produce was a sign of blessing for obedience, while poor crops and an empty barn was a curse because of disobedience (Deut 28:8,15,22; Prov 3:9,10; Joel 1:17). God admonished His people to bring the ‘whole tithe’ into the temple (the spiritual place of nourishment) so there would be a full blessing for them (Mal 3:10-12). Jesus described this principle of liberally giving to His Kingdom as “storing up treasure in heaven” (Mt 6:19-21).

In Egypt Joseph ensured the bountiful crops were adequately stockpiled for the coming time of famine. Many people were kept alive because of his insight and organisational ability to prepare for the future and manage the grain (Gen 41:47-57). We should also be prudent with the resources we have ‘harvested’, looking to the future as well as utilizing them to bless others, remembering that Jesus cautioned against tight-fisted attitudes (Lk 12:16-21).

Endeavour to put aside a small financial reserve as a buffer zone to cushion against unexpected events or unplanned but urgent bills, besides being a reservoir whereby you can bless others in their time of need. We should never live beyond our means in any area of our lives (physical or spiritual) or else bankruptcy can quickly overtake bringing havoc.

Jesus taught, what is stored within our lives will manifest itself – be it good or bad (Lk 6:45). What kind of ‘produce’ am I storing up? He declared, streams of living water (the Holy Spirit) will flow from those who believe in Him (Jn 7:38). If very little of ‘God’ is coming from your life to bless and minister to others, this calls for serious depositing of more of Him into your life, for unless it is within it can’t

What is in my storehouse? Do I share it with others?

come forth.

See also: preparation, proactive, resources, stewardship, treasures.