
<<wife of Abraham>>

Originally she was called Sari but God changed her name to Sarah, meaning Princess, and said, “I will bless her and give you [Abraham] a son from her" (Gen 17:15,16,19). This long-awaited, promised son was called Isaac. She lived for 127 years from about 2156 BC.  Her story is told in Genesis 11-25. 

Lessons from her life: * Often the promises of God don’t easily become reality. “Sari was barren; she had no children” (Gen 11:30). She devised a plan to ‘help God out of His predicament’ by giving her maid to Abraham so he could have a son through her. Ishmael was this son, born to Hagar the maid. Although having children via this method was a recognised custom of the period, it was not God’s specific direction to the couple (Gen 16:1-4). It only complicated matters – as does any response or effort on our part to make God’s promises happen according to our timetable. Although we must be diligent to fulfill our responsibilities and obligations we should not do wrong that good may result.  God is normally more patient then we are. Time is one of the greatest tests to our patience and dedication to God.

* Like Sari, how often do we tell people to do something, and when they do carry it out we respond in frustration, blaming them for the resulting situation (Gen 16:5).  She didn’t admit she had done wrong or ask for forgiveness and lived with the regret of her unwise advice. Thinking through possible outcomes is advisable before major decisions are taken.

* Several years later when she heard the divine message about becoming a mother, she laughed inwardly and when challenged lied in fear (Gen 18:12,15). She was skeptical of the promise because she looked at the situation from the natural, human angle. However when the promised child was born to Sarah when she was 90 years old she acknowledged God’s hand in it (Gen 17:17, 21:6,7). God knows the thoughts and intents of the heart; we can’t hide anything from Him. Do I believe the Word of God more than my own perception and understanding?

* The protective action towards Isaac her son – insisting that Ishmael and his mother be sent away from them – highlights an important principle (Gen 21:10; Gal 4:30).  Isaac (the spiritual son) could not come into his inheritance when Ishmael (a picture or type of the flesh) was present. In a similar way, we can’t come into full release and blessing if we are clinging onto and retaining aspects of the old carnal nature, the ‘works of the flesh’. There must be a definite, determined and complete separation. What things in my life do I need to ‘send away’ so I can enter more fully into my position in Christ?

See also: Abraham, Hagar, Isaac, Ishmael.