Relatives, Relations


Family is the foundation stone of society. God established this principle at creation for our good – so that we all have relatives (Gen 2:18; Ps 68:6). The Bible also uses ‘family’ as an image for relationships in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s Word and put
it into practice” by obeying Him (Lk 8:21).

Conflict between various members occurs in many families with criticism, rivalry and bitterness because of un-forgiveness, favouritism and self-centeredness besides antagonism from those who are not Christians, however those who claim His name should live righteous lives, not returning evil for evil but with good (Mt 10:36; Rom 12:17; Tit 2:8; 1 Pet 3:9,16). One key to a happy marriage is to accept

Thank God for your relatives and pray for them

and relate well to your spouse’s family (in-laws). Respect them as people, even if you don’t or can’t embrace their values or lifestyle; if it wasn’t for them, you wouldn’t have their child as your spouse!

See also: ancestors, brother/sister, children, family, in-laws, parents, relationships.