
Until the time of Noah, it is believed the earth had only been watered by dew (Gen 2:5,6, 7:4).

There are two main seasons of rain in Israel – the early rain during October and November (autumn) softens the ground ready for ploughing while the latter rain during March and April (spring) brings the crops to maturity. Seldom is there any rain through until next autumn so famine was widespread in Bible times if the agricultural crops failed.

God sends the rain, to water the earth for both the righteous and unrighteous (Lev 26:4; Isa 55:10; Jer 5:24, 14:22; Joel 2:23; Mt 5:45). He also shuts up the heavens causing drought as a judgement (Deut 28:22-24; 2 Chr 7:13,14; Amos 4:7,8). Under God’s direction Elijah earnestly prayed and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years, then again he prayed and it rained to show God was the controller of rain not the false heathen god Baal (1 Kgs 17:1-7, 18:36-39; Jas 5:17,18).

See also: famine, farming, weather.