

Contrary to the secular world’s view on materialism, “A person’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things they possess” but rather their relationship with God is the true source of life (Lk 12:15; Jn 10:10, 17:3; 2 Pet 3:10).

When Job suffered the loss of his children and property, he worshipped God saying, “I came into the world with nothing and will depart the same way. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may His name be praised” (Job 1:13-21). While any or all earthly belongings could be confiscated, even with

What emphasis do I put on earthly things? Remember, we can’t take it with us

life itself taken from us, joyfully remember we have better things awaiting us in heaven (Heb 10:34). It is wise therefore to invest in the Kingdom of God, financially and through having spiritual input into the lives of people, who, because they will last for eternity, are of more value than earthly riches or possessions (Mt 6:19,20).

Respect the property or belongings of others as you would like them to respect yours (Lk 6:31).  Don’t steal, and if you borrow something (with prior permission) look after it as a good steward and return it promptly (Ex 20:15; Prov 23:10). Utilise what you own or have been entrusted with to bless and enrich other people with the aim that they also will be in heaven (Mt 5:42; Lk 12:16-21; Jn 12:24-26). Don’t be greedy to amass property (Isa 5:8,9).

See also: materialism, ownership, possessions, prosper/prosperity, stewardship.